Top suggestions for Farouk El-Baz |
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- Kuwait Oil
Company - Farouk
of Egypt - Dr.
Farouk El Baz - Egypt Meteorite
Impact - Wonders of the
Modern World - David
Macaulay - Red Adair
Kuwait - The Mystery of the Sphinx
Charlton Heston - King Farouk
of Egypt - Ararat
Anomaly - Red Adair Kuwaiti
Oil Fires - Tomb of
Nefertari - Red Adair Boots
and Coots - Red Adair
Hellfighter - Kuwait Oil
Fires 1991 - Ramses
Nefertari - Www.David
Macaulay - Kuwait Oil
Field Fires - Queen Nefertiti
Tomb - Kuwait Oil Well Fires
1991 From Space - Oil Lakes
Kuwait - The Sphinx
Movie - Red Adair
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