Front Page | Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
About Us. The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies was established in 1968. Today Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Duke is a vibrant, cross-disciplinary humanities program that draws together faculty and students from many departments across the university to study and research the twelve-hundred-year period from 500 to 1700 that definitively shaped the civilizations of Western ...
Courses | Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
The Medieval and Renaissance Studies program offers more than 100 courses covering topics ranging across the formative historical period 500 to 1700. Most of these courses are cross-listed with other departments and may be taken toward degrees in both Medieval and Renaissance Studies and in the other departments. Subjects of special …
Graduate Program - Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
The Program in Medieval and Renaissance Studies offers a Graduate Certificate in Interdisciplinary Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Graduate students associated with the program—whether pursuing the Interdisciplinary Certificate or participating in our lectures, workshops, symposia, and conferences—are Ph.D. candidates in Arts and Sciences departments at Duke. Th.D. students in the ...
Undergraduate Program - Center for Medieval and Renaissance …
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 340B Trent Hall Campus Box 90656 Durham, NC 27708 (919) 681-8883 [email protected]
Advising | Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies - Duke …
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 340B Trent Hall Campus Box 90656 Durham, NC 27708 (919) 681-8883 [email protected]
Major and Minor | Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 340B Trent Hall Campus Box 90656 Durham, NC 27708 (919) 681-8883 [email protected]
Michelangelo - Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Historical and cultural analysis of the works of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). The course will cover works in painting, sculpture and architecture as well as the historiography of the artist's work and reputation and contemporary scholarship. Themes treated include artistic training and workshop practice, techniques, centers of production, art markets and consumption, antiquarianism and ...
History | Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 340B Trent Hall Campus Box 90656 Durham, NC 27708 (919) 681-8883 [email protected]
Medieval and Renaissance Cultures
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 340B Trent Hall Campus Box 90656 Durham, NC 27708 (919) 681-8883 [email protected]
Events | Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
This roundtable event will feature undergraduate students from Duke University, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State, and Piedmont Community College, who will make brief presentations (6-8 minutes) about…