List of cryptids - Wikipedia
Cryptids are animals or other beings that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated by science.
Hamløper – Wikipedia
Hamløper (norrønt hamhleypa[1] og nynorsk hamløypar) er i gammel folketro et vesen eller en person, gjerne trollkyndig, som frivillig eller ufrivillig kan opptre i en annen ham [2] (skikkelse, framtoning, skinn eller kropp) enn sin egen, [3] ofte som et dyr.
Ep. 159 – Norwegian Werewolves | Paranormal Punchers
Apr 23, 2023 · In Norwegian folklore, the werewolf or “varulv” is a type of shapeshifter or “hamløper”. Another type of shapeshifter is the “mannbjørn”, or man bear.
List of Top 25 Cryptids (Ranked Least to Most Scary)
Mar 6, 2023 · Today we’re counting down the top 25 of these mythological creatures, called cryptids, from the least to the most scary. 25. Ningen. An artistic representation of a ningen. That is as creepy as it looks. Imagine a sub-aquatic whale-like creature walking the ice sheets of the Antarctic as big as 20 to 30 feet in length.
10 Obscure Cryptids and Why You’ve Never Heard of Them
Oct 5, 2023 · With a net that wide, ranging from mistaken identity to literal legend, there are far more things to have entered the modern mythological catalog than you would ever believe. So here are 10 stories of obscure cryptids. Related: Top 10 Cryptids Easily Explained By Real Animals 10 The Fjörulalli
15 Creatures From Scandinavian Folklore You Should Know
Today, we’re going to introduce you to some of the top creatures from Scandinavian legend that you should know about. 1. The Huldra (Tallemaja) The Huldra, or Tallemaja in Swedish, is a troll-like female known for living in the woods.
Cryptids 101 - The Ultimate Guide (With Cryptid List)
What Is A Cryptid? A cryptid is an animal or creature that people believe is real but there is no solid proof or scientific evidence available to prove that it does actually exist.
hamløper – Store norske leksikon
Hamløper var i gammel folketro en person som kunne opptre i en annen skikkelse (ham) enn sin egen. En som var hamram kunne gå berserkgang, og ordet hamram ble ofte brukt i betydningen berserk. Enkelte kunne angivelig ta dyreham og ble da mannbjørn eller varulv.
The Werewolf in Norway: Everything You Need to Know
Mar 7, 2023 · In Norwegian folklore, the werewolf or “varulv” is a type of shapeshifter or “hamløper”. Other types of shapeshifter include the “mannbjørn” (lit. man bear) and, in Danish folklore, the “valravn” (raven of the slain).
Find Cryptids by State - North American Cryptids
Find cryptids by state! Hover over any state to see which legendary creature was sighted there and click the state to read more about it.