University of Copenhagen
The University of Copenhagen, with approximately 40,000 students and 9,000 employees, is one of the largest research and educational institutions in the Nordic region.
Københavns Universitet - Københavns Universitet
Københavns Universitet er med cirka 40.000 studerende og 9.000 medarbejdere en af Nordens største forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner.
Bachelor - University of Copenhagen
Here you can read about quota 1 and quota 2 and how to apply for admission for a bachelor programme at University of Copenhagen.
Studies - University of Copenhagen
A wide range of master’s degree programmes await you. Spend two years at a world-class university.
Welcome page and login choice - University of Copenhagen
The first page of the online application portal is the welcome page. At the top of this page, you can choose whether you want to access the portal in Danish or English. You can also open an online text guide, by clicking on the question mark at the rightmost edge.
Master's degree programmes - University of Copenhagen
A master's program, also called a master's degree, is an independent 2-year supplementary education to the 3-year bachelor's degree. A master's program corresponds to 120 ECTS credits. While a bachelor's degree offers a range of foundational subjects, a master's degree provides you with a higher degree of specialization, where you expand your knowledge and skills from the bachelor's program. A ...
Admission requirements - University of Copenhagen
The University of Copenhagen welcomes applications from students from all over the world with an upper secondary/high school education. To apply for a bachelor programme at the University of Copenhagen, you must meet specific admission requirements and deadlines. Be aware, at the University of Copenhagen all bachelor programmes are taught in Danish and require the highest level in Danish or ...
Start your application - University of Copenhagen
To make a new application, go to the tab called Create application. Your name, address and CPR will be registered at the top of the page. To find the programme you wish to apply for, first choose the relevant institution (University of Copenhagen), and then the type of programme, and then click "Search". Then select the programme you wish to apply for by …
Entrance qualifications - University of Copenhagen
To apply for admission to a master's degree programme at the University of Copenhagen, you must have a qualifying bachelor’s degree or a similar Danish or international degree which is assessed relevant. You can find the admission requirements under the individual master's degree programme, where you can also see if the programme is subject to restricted admission. You can also read how UCPH ...
Education - University of Copenhagen
Structure of higher education At the University of Copenhagen, you can study a three-year bachelor's programme. On most bachelor's programmes, you can study a minor subject to specialise in a direction you find interesting.