IET | Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University
Professor Christothea Herodotou, Professor Eileen Scanlon and Kevin McLeod from The OU’s Institute of Education Technology (IET) Learning, Teaching and Technologies team are working with partners across Europe, applying expertise in design thinking and harnessing the power of the latest technology, to co-create the next generation of in …
IET: Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University
The EU-funded ENCORE+ project conference took place during 30 November - 5 December, providing an opportunity for researchers to share findings, evidence and impact related to the use of open educational resources in education and business.
Study with us | Institute of Educational Technology, The Open …
IET has long led pedagogical development in digital learning and teaching, building a history of exploring innovative ways to drive developments in education and educational technologies. These developments feed into university practice at the OU and showcase our expertise to educational institutions globally, informing innovation worldwide.
About IET | Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University
About the Institute of Educational Technology IET is a leader in the field of pedagogy, advancing distance learning globally with innovative technology. Since it was established in 1970, IET has been central to The Open University’s mission to be the world leader in every aspect of delivering supported, open and distance learning. Explore our and .
Open Education | Institute of Educational Technology, The Open …
IET specialise in researching, advancing and developing the resources, platforms and practices of free educational access at a global scale, being a pioneer in the history of open education.
Distance Learning | Institute of Educational Technology, The Open ...
About the Institute of Educational Technology IET is a leader in the field of pedagogy, advancing distance learning globally with innovative technology. Since it was established in 1970, IET has been central to The Open University’s mission to be the world leader in every aspect of delivering supported, open and distance learning. Explore our Research and Innovating Pedagogy reports.
PhD in Educational Technology - Open University
The PhD in Educational Technology is a three-year full-time programme of study, for students who already have a recognised Research Masters qualification in a relevant area.
Educational Technology | Institute of Educational Technology, The …
About the Institute of Educational Technology IET is a leader in the field of pedagogy, advancing distance learning globally with innovative technology. Since it was established in 1970, IET has been central to The Open University’s mission to be the world leader in every aspect of delivering supported, open and distance learning. Explore our Research and Innovating Pedagogy reports.
Expertise within IET | Institute of Educational Technology, The …
Expertise for Learning and Teaching Academic Professional Development Accessibility Assessment Augmented Reality Citizen Science Data Visualisation Distance Learning Educational Technology Ethics Game-based Learning Innovative Pedagogy Inquiry Learning Language Learning Learning Analytics Learning Futures Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Microcredentials Mobile Learning Open Education Open ...
Learning in an Open World | Institute of Educational Technology, …
The definition of Open Education and the ways it can be achieved have expanded over time since when The Open University was founded in 1969, and when the Institute of Educational Technology was founded in 1970. Now encompassing the specialities of Open Educational Resources (OER), MOOCs, open access publishing and open educational practice, the IET lead in the developing, establishing and ...