Demon back - what is it? : r/Grapplerbaki - Reddit
Sep 25, 2023 · Wether the Demon Back makes them stronger or if it just shows they're using 100% of their power is irrelevant because it means the same thing: Yujiro without visible Demon Back < Yujiro with visible Demon Back.
Demon back multiplier : r/Grapplerbaki - Reddit
Oct 27, 2021 · When Yujiro fought Doppo, the demon back powerup for me was established. It's pretty large, but not like, going super saiyan or anything. You are maybe, 2 or 3 times stronger. When Baki fought Jack, again, it felt in line with a 2 or 3 times powerup. When Yujiro fought Kaku Kaioh, again, it felt like a 2 or 3 times powerup.
How much more powerful does yujiro get with demon back??? we …
Oct 4, 2022 · How much more powerful does yujiro get with demon back??? we talk about it alot, but do we really know what it actually does exactly and what percentage it the boost???
Does anyone know how the Demon-Back works? - Reddit
Mar 28, 2023 · It's functionally similar to a powerup since Baki and Yujiro can be harmed by attacks they otherwise would have been able to tank if they don't have their demon back active (Baki v.
Is Baki Comparable to Yujiro with Demon Back? : r/Grapplerbaki
Aug 1, 2020 · Musashi at full power isn't strong enough to beat Demon Back Yujiro, as far as I'm aware. And Sukune, while very strong, is far under Yujiro's level. However, at the moment, Baki is still weaker than Yujiro, but if I had to say he's likely the second strongest.
Is the Demon Back a transformation or something else
Mar 5, 2021 · The demon back is more of a boost for Hanmas of pure blood. That's why you won't see Jack with the demon back, Yujiro never really saw Jack with pure Hanma blood. Despite the author having so much depth in terms of martial arts, logic and technique, he never really put depth into what the Demon Back actually is.
Is anyone a genuine threat to Demon Back Yujiro? : r/Grapplerbaki …
Sep 11, 2020 · Is anyone a genuine threat to Demon Back Yujiro? I know that Baki supposedly was a worthy opponent to Yujiro in their second fight, but his power level is very inconsistent. Kaku Kaioh could make demon back Yujiro bleed, but couldn’t really do any severe damage. Nothing close to putting him down.
I have a question concerning Baki’s demon-back : r/Grapplerbaki
Oct 25, 2022 · Myself and a fellow sub-member are currently debating Baki vs Oliva and Baki vs Yujiro, by extension. The other guy thinks Baki when he fist-fought Yujiro wouldn’t have been much stronger then when he fought Oliva in a fist-fight, due to supposedly using the same demon-back both times. I’m of the impression Baki was using a lesser-version of the demon-back. If Baki is of the same physical ...
Can demon back Yujiro one punch any character in his verse?
Nov 17, 2023 · Yujiro becomes much stronger with his demon back activated. The difference in strength can be seen in his fight against Kaku Kaioh when he did more damage in a few attacks than before the back activation
What exactly is Demon Back : r/Grapplerbaki - Reddit
Apr 13, 2022 · What exactly is Demon Back Questions? Im a huge Baki fan and have watched all the episodes and stuff but what exactly is demon back? Is it explained anywhere what it is and what it does? All i know is it gives the Hanmas a buff somehow.