youtube-clone · GitHub Topics · GitHub
Jun 3, 2024 · A YouTube clone with a lot of features developed with the MERN stack, JWT for authentication, and Firebase Storage for video and file storage. This project intends to emulate YouTube's main functionality, allowing users to upload, view, like, comment on, and interact with videos. Please note, this app is still under development.
GitHub - sagarksp/Yt-clone: youtube clone
It is built using modern front-end technologies, including React, Redux Toolkit, TailwindCSS, and other libraries. ## Features - **YouTube Clone:** The project is a replica of the YouTube platform, including its UI design and functionalities. - **YouTube Video List:** The app displays a paginated list of YouTube videos fetched from the YouTube API.
GitHub - omavcher/YouTube-Clone: YouTube Clone : This …
📺 YouTube Clone 🎥: This repository hosts the HTML source code for a YouTube clone project. It features a responsive layout, search functionality 🔍, video cards with thumbnails, channel logos, and view counts. The project is styled using Bootstrap and includes Font Awesome icons.
alnux/YouPHPTube: The Best YouTube Clone Script - GitHub
YouPHPTube! is an video-sharing website, It is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. With YouPHPTube you can create your own video sharing site, YouPHPTube will help you import and encode videos from other sites like Youtube, Vimeo, etc. and you can share directly on your websi
GitHub - atinder11/Youtube-Clone: This project is a YouTube …
Open the index.html file in your web browser.; The homepage will display a list of videos from the YouTube Data API.
Youtube-clone - GitHub
This project is a fully functional, front-end clone of YouTube, replicating key features such as video playback, search, user interface, and responsive design. Built to mimic the look and feel of the real YouTube platform, this clone serves as a learning tool for understanding modern web development, API integration, and UI/UX design principles ...
MERN Stack YouTube Clone - GitHub
MERN Stack YouTube Clone This is a YouTube Clone that implements the main features of YouTube solely intended for educational purposes and is created under fair use . * Video Uploads are limited to 25 MB.
YouTube Clone - GitHub
This project is a full-stack YouTube clone built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). It includes features such as user authentication, video uploading, playback, commenting, and liking. The application is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across both desktop and mobile devices. Topics
Simple YouTube Clone (HTML & CSS) - GitHub
The "Simple YouTube Clone" project is a minimalist rendition of the renowned video-sharing platform, YouTube. This project embodies a fundamental exploration of HTML and CSS, skillfully translating key components of the YouTube interface into an accessible single-page websit
VueTube RESTful API - YouTube Clone - GitHub
VueTube is a YouTube clone built with nodejs, expressjs & mongodb. This is the RESTful API repository. - techreagan/youtube-clone-nodejs-api