Center of Mass Calculation: x-bar, y-bar - Physics Forums
Nov 9, 2012 · Homework Statement I need to find the center of mass of the given figure attached. I am given the density (7850 kg/m^3) and a thickness of 0.3 cm (not sure where this goes) Homework Equations Just some things I need to verify: When finding the x-bar of the function y=x3 using the equation...
Finding Y-Bar for a Constant Density Region - Physics Forums
Nov 21, 2024 · Y(bar) = 2/5 ; however, the answer is -3/5. Physics news on Phys.org An unexpected connection between the equations for crystalline lattice defects and electromagnetism
Calculating Shear Stress: Understanding the Role of Y in Shear …
Jul 11, 2016 · Remember, Q must be calculated using the neutral axis as the reference point, which is why the y-bar is 12.5 mm + 50 mm / 2. Part b) wants to know the shear stress in the beam, which the box in the illustration indicates occurs at the neutral axis. The y …
Statics - Centroid of a 2-D figure - Physics Forums
Mar 15, 2011 · If the overall Y-bar or y-coordinate of the centroid of the figure is found by the equation: Y-bar = sum of the y-bar centroids of each element multiplied by each individual area/total area the y-coordinates of the elements multiplied by their respective areas are: For the larger semi-circle: y-bar * A = (.5*pi*(r2)^2)*((4(r2))/(3*pi))
Find Centroid: x(bar), y(bar) = (?, ?) - Physics Forums
Feb 28, 2013 · y ≤ (1/3)x^(2) ; (x-3)^2 + y^(2) ≤ 9 ; y ≥ 0 x(bar) , y(bar) = (?, ?) I did the problem, but i do not know the answer because the problem is an even number and the book only have answers for the odd problem. I would like to know the answer to this problem. I do not need to know how to do it. I just need to know the answer so I can check ...
Calculating the Magnetic Field due to a Bar Magnet - Physics Forums
Jul 24, 2011 · In a bar magnet, there are no freely-moving charges. The magnetic field is created by bound currents. Close to the magnet, the field is difficult to model with an equation (since a bar magnet is only approximately dipole). But far from the bar magnet, the magnetic field is the same as for a perfect magnetic dipole.
In uniform acceleration, mean velocity ##\bar v = \frac{v_0+v}{2}##?
Feb 19, 2023 · Anyway for any function y = f(x) = kx + m the mean y-value between x 1 and x 2 is (f(x 1) + f(x 2))/2 BUT we have to be careful, what do we MEAN by the mean of a function? Well, it is the integral formula that was given in #8 which is a generalization of what I wrote above.
Creating formula from musical bar test population - Physics Forums
Nov 27, 2013 · Then, to get the "real world" frequency you want, you would find the theoretical frequency from that curve, and then the length from your theoretical ##A/\sqrt f## formula. Note, you can also tune these type of bars after you have cut them. If you make the middle of the bar slightly thinner by filing away some material, you will lower the pitch.
Calculate the Initial Calue of the Force at the Bearing - Physics …
Apr 25, 2013 · where L is the length of the bar Then I applied a normal and tangential coordinate system, with t pointing downwards and n pointing towards O. ƩF t: mrα = O y - mg Plugging in the formula that I solved for α above I get Oy = mr[-mg(0.5L)/I g] + mg My final answer was 88.29 N
Partial derivative with respect to z & z_bar? - Physics Forums
Nov 6, 2007 · by introducing z=x+iy, z_bar=x-iy as new "independent" variables.. By the way, can z and z_bar be independent? Moreover, if we write f(z,z_bar) instead, the expression ∂f(z,z_bar)/∂z seems to be misleading in a sense that the conventional definition of partial derivative tells us that z_bar must be fixed while z varies ( which cannot be)