Worms Build Guide : r/MonsterSanctuary - Reddit
Jan 3, 2021 · Hey Monster Keepers, this is a little guide to constructing a Worms team in Monster Sanctuary. To start off with some important question: Is making a Worms Team a good idea? -Possibly, but with a Worms Team, it's all about the gamble. This is solely a guide on milking the luck, and getting as many dice rolls as possible What is the merit or strengths to this team? -Wanna smack something hard ...
Monster - Sufficient Velocity
May 25, 2016 · Index post If you found Worm canon to be too intense at points -such as in the Slaughterhouse Nine arc, or during Taylor's schooltime miseries- then you're probably not going to be thrilled with Monster. Fair warning. Premise: Taylor with a different power, the consequences therein, and the implications of what kind of person she was to get this power rather than canon Taylor's power. Caveat ...
Vanity (Worm/Monster Girl Encyclopedia) - SpaceBattles
Jan 14, 2017 · The mating cycle of a monster is incredible bad for fostering conflict since it usually revolves around mind whamming a single male and then living a quiet life for all of eternity, so he axed most of them. -Demonic energy is not a thing on Earth Bet. The monster girls abilities are spoofed imitations using space whale magic.
Guys is there a way to summon the worm monster? Or you have …
May 12, 2022 · There's a worm monster??? What?! I thought I'd seen and heard everything from this game. What other weird monsters are there other than the elephant looking cannibal, Big baby cannibal, and the spider leg cannibal?
Monster [Worm/D&D crossover] - SpaceBattles
Mar 6, 2023 · Taylor Hebert finds herself with the ability to move between two worlds, one a world of magic and back to her own. Gaining power from nonhumans seems perfect for becoming a hero, but her path is less than clear. This is a D&D crossover, using rules from multiple editions and no particular D&D...
Hunting Wyverian (Worm/Monster Hunter) - SpaceBattles
Jun 9, 2016 · Worm was a good place and then the idea popped up that it might be fun to introduce a Hunter to freak everyone out by, well, being a Hunter. Taylor was a somewhat obvious pick considering her potential (also being Taylor is …
Monster Taylor Fics? : r/WormFanfic - Reddit
In honor of Halloween (happy Halloween BTW!), can anyone think of any good fics where Taylor is transformed into a monster and/or gets monster-themed powers? For example, in "Queen of Blood", she gets vampire powers from the Castlevania Dracula.
Hunting Wyverian (Worm/Monster Hunter) | Sufficient Velocity
Jul 2, 2016 · Due to the nature of the Monster Hunter series, the Hunter's apparent personality, and, well, Tinkers, I expect zaniness once the ball gets rolling. As some may already know, this fic kinda came to be in the Worm ideas and discussion thread (SB).
What Not To Do When Angry (Worm/Monster Hunter, Altpower)
Jan 20, 2019 · To clarify, this is an altpower where Taylor can change into the four flagship monsters from Monster Hunter Generations. Expect a very angry Taylor to make some very bad decisions, then regret it later.
What Not To Do When Angry (Worm/Monster Hunter, Altpower)
Punished Frog Jan 19, 2019 monster hunter worm (parahumans) alternate power (alternate universe)