Types of surgery for larger skin cancers - Cancer Research UK
how much tissue was taken away if you had an excision biopsy; You usually have stitches to close the wound. This might feel a little tight at first. As it heals, the surrounding skin will stretch and the tightness should ease. Sometimes the doctor removes a large area of skin. To repair this you might need a skin graft or skin flap.
Breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy) | Cancer Research UK
Breast conserving surgery is treatment to remove an area of cancer from the breast. Doctors also call this type of surgery a wide local excision or lumpectomy. The surgeon removes the area of cancer and some of the surrounding breast tissue. They leave behind as much normal breast tissue as possible.
Surgery to remove melanoma skin cancer | Cancer Research UK
Surgery to remove more tissue (wide local excision) Doctors diagnose melanoma by removing the abnormal mole or area of skin. They send it to the laboratory to check if it's melanoma and how thick it is. You normally have a second operation to remove more tissue if you're diagnosed with melanoma. This is called a wide local excision.
Treatment for cancer of the outer ear - Cancer Research UK
Feb 10, 2025 · Wide local excision. You might have a wide local excision if your cancer wasn't completely removed when you had the biopsy. A larger area of the skin and tissue of the ear is removed. You might need to have a skin graft or flap if a very large area is involved.
Types of surgery for soft tissue sarcoma - Cancer Research UK
The aim of most surgery is to completely remove the cancer. The most common operation for this is a wide local excision. This means removing the cancer with a border of healthy tissue around it. Removing a border of healthy tissue with no cancer cells lowers the risk of …
Types of breast cancer surgery - Cancer Research UK
Surgery to remove an area of cancer from the breast is called breast conserving surgery. It is also known as a lumpectomy or a wide local excision. The surgeon takes away the cancer and a border (margin) of healthy tissue all around it. They leave behind as …
Choosing between breast conserving surgery ... - Cancer Research …
Breast conserving surgery is also called a wide local excision or lumpectomy. Removal of just the area of cancer: aims to keep most of the breast tissue; is less of a change to your body than a mastectomy; has a recovery time of 2 to 3 weeks
Possible problems after breast conserving surgery
There is a risk of problems or complications after any operation including breast conserving surgery. Breast conserving surgery is also called a wide local excision or lumpectomy. A complication is anything that happens after surgery that makes your recovery more difficult. For example, wound infection is a possible complication after any surgery.
Types of surgery for vulval cancer | Cancer Research UK
Wide local excision. A wide local excision means that the surgeon removes the area containing the cancer, along with a border of healthy tissue around it. The border of healthy tissue is called the margin. It's important that the margin of healthy tissue does not contain cancer cells. This lowers the risk of the cancer coming back.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma skin cancer
You normally have a sentinel lymph node biopsy at the same time as the wide local excision operation. You have it under a general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep. You usually have an appointment at the pre assessment clinic beforehand. You also have a special scan called a lymphoscintigram before you have a sentinel lymph node biopsy.