These mixed-radix topologies are not edge symmetric, which translates into poor performance due to an unbalanced use of network resources. In this work, we analyze twisted 2D and 3D mixed-radix tori that remove the network bottlenecks present in nontwisted ones.
Is a "Twisted Torus" its Own Topological Shape?
Oct 26, 2022 · (1) By itself , the twisted torus is the same as the original torus. (2) But if you had "oriented" the original torus , Eg : using a blue Circle on the "top" & a red Circle on the "bottom" , then these two Circles [which are "separated" originally] will become "entangled" in …
The diameter of rectangular twisted torus - ScienceDirect
Jul 1, 2024 · The rectangular twisted torus is an attractive alternative to the classic torus as interconnection topology of high-performance computers. In this article, we establish the analytical expression of the diameter of a rectangular twisted torus with any aspect ratio and any twist slope.
In this work we present an early study of the effect of peripheral link twisting in multidimensional twisted tori with arbitrary aspect ratios. We observe that, in the general case, it is impossible to find. a specific twist that minimizes all the interesting topological parameters of the network.
Twisted torus knots and links are given by twisting adjacent strands of a torus link. They are geometrically simple and contain many examples of the smallest volume hyperbolic knots. Many are also Lorenz links. We study the geometry of twisted torus links and related generalizations.
Twisted Torus Topologies for Enhanced Interconnection Networks
These mixed-radix topologies are not edge symmetric, which translates into poor performance due to an unbalanced use of network resources. In this work, we analyze twisted 2D and 3D mixed-radix tori that remove the network bottlenecks present in nontwisted ones.
Title: On the knot Floer homology of twisted torus knots
Nov 15, 2013 · In this paper we study the knot Floer homology of a subfamily of twisted (p, q) torus knots where q ≡ ±1 (mod p). Specifically, we classify the knots in this subfamily that admit L-space surgeries.
Twisted Torus Topologies for Enhanced Interconnection Networks
Dec 1, 2010 · In this work, we analyze twisted 2D and 3D mixed-radix tori that remove the network bottlenecks present in nontwisted ones. Such topologies recover edge symmetry, and consequently, balance the utilization of their links.
Twisted Torus Topologies for Enhanced Interconnection …
In this work, we analyze twisted 2D and 3D mixed-radix tori that remove the network bottlenecks present in nontwisted ones. Such topologies recover edge symmetry, and consequently, balance the utilization of their links.
Homology of twisted torus - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Mar 1, 2021 · If the original torus is represented by the region [0, 1] × [0, 1]/∼ [0, 1] × [0, 1] / ∼, then this 'twisted torus' can be made by a shear transformation, and you can actually construct such a homeomorphism that carries the rectangle to this parallelogram presentation.
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