Tolkien uses runes in The Hobbit as a phonetic alphabet, as they were originally used. When people first used runes they were designed for sounds that we no longer use, so they may look strange in translation, but give an idea of how the original language looked and sounded.
Runes - Tolkien Gateway
Jan 27, 2025 · Tolkien and Runes. Tolkien decided that his peoples of Arda would also use a similar script, and "Runes" are mentioned in his narratives. In The Hobbit, Tolkien used Old English runes, or Futhorc, to display the writing of the Dwarves on the Thrór's Map; his Dwarves however were based mainly on Norse culture and their language is influenced of ...
Cirth - Wikipedia
The Cirth (Sindarin pronunciation: [ˈkirθ], meaning "runes"; sg. certh [ˈkɛrθ]) is a semi‑ artificial script, based on real‑life runic alphabets, one of several scripts invented by J. R. R. Tolkien for the constructed languages he devised and used in his works.
Cirth runes - Omniglot
Cirth [ˈkirθ] was invented by J.R.R. Tolkien for use in his novels. It is modelled on the Anglo-Saxon Runic alphabet, and is used to write the language of the Dwarves (Khuzdul) in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in inscriptions in wood and stone.
Angerthas | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Angerthas was a Runic writing system in Middle-earth, referred to familiarly simply as "Runes" or "Dwarf runes". It was adopted by Dwarves in order to have a written form of their own tongue, Khuzdûl. The two forms of the script were Angerthas Moria and Angerthas Erebor.
Translation of the Runes on "The Lord of the Rings" Title Page
Dec 29, 2022 · Adapted from Appendix F at the back of "Return of the King," this chart shows Tolkien's "Cirth" runes used for writing Elvish and Dwarvish inscriptions. (Where two variant sounds are listed, the first is Elvish, and the second is used by Moria Dwarve. The Lord of the Rings betrays its author J.R.R. Tolkien's true passion from cover to cover: words.
Cirth - Tolkien Gateway
Mar 14, 2025 · Cirth referred to the runic writing systems in Middle-earth. Cirth (singular certh) means "runes" in Sindarin. Certhas refers to a runic alphabet. The system was...
Hobbit Rune Generator: Old English Runes, Angerthas, Tengwar
This little tool allows you to create your own runes. Simply enter the text (e.g. your name) you want to write in runes and choose the font. Please enter only letters but no numbers or special characters. For word-wraps please press 'Enter'. The Angerthas and Tengwar were invented by J.R.R. Tolkien himself.
Cirth | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The original Certhas Daeron, known in short as the Cirth, was the script of runes created by Daeron, the minstrel of king Thingol of Doriath and was later expanded into what was known as the Angerthas Daeron. Although the Cirth were later largely replaced by the Tengwar (which were enhanced and...
Tolkien's scripts - Wikipedia
The Cirth, meaning "runes" is a semi‑ artificial script, based on real‑life runic alphabets, invented by Tolkien for his constructed languages. Cirth is written with a capital letter when referring to the writing system; the letters themselves can be called cirth.