Jefes - Terraria Wiki
Los jefes (bosses en Inglés) son los tipos de monstruos con mayor daño y resistencia, además de patrones únicos de ataque y por lo general de una forma. Pueden aparecer naturalmente bajo ciertas condiciones o con objetos de invocación para llamarlos.
Boss — Wiki de Terraria
Les boss (« Bosses » en anglais) sont des ennemis imposants et agressifs qui offrent un défi substantiel aux joueurs. Vaincre un boss est une étape primordiale dans l'avancement de votre partie. Ils ont chacun leur propre manière d'être invoqué; par exemple, la …
Bossgegner – Deutsches Terraria Wiki
Bossgegner (abgekürzt auch Bosse, engl. bosses) sind aggressive, außerordentlich widerstandsfähige Gegner, die Spielern eine wesentliche Herausforderung bieten sollen. Das Besiegen eines Bosses spielt für gewöhnlich eine Schlüsselrolle im Spielfortschritt.
Bosses (Bosses/it) - Terraria Wiki
I Boss sono nemici grandi, aggressivi, resistenti che offrono una sfida impegnativa al giocatore. Esistono numerosi Boss e altri ne saranno aggiunti nelle versioni future, alcuni sono esclusive di determinate versioni di terraria, ed ognuno ha un metodo particolare per essere evocato.
Bosses (Bosses/tr) - Terraria Wiki
Bosslar, oyunculara ciddi meydan okumalar sunan saldırgan ve dayanıklı düşmanlardır. Bir boss'u yenmek oyunun ilerleyişini sağlamak için kullanışlı ve çoğu zaman gerekli bir fiildir. Her boss'un kendine özgü bir çağrılma yolu vardır. Çoğu boss, kendilerine ait …
Mechanical bosses - Terraria Wiki
The mechanical bosses' summoning items can be crafted at a Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil. They also drop from all Hardmode enemies (except statue -spawned enemies, Meteor Heads , and Old One's Army enemies) with a 0.04* 1/2500 (0.04%) chance until their respective boss is defeated.
Bosses (Bosses/cs) - Terraria Wiki
Pro všechny bossy bez událostí, s výjimkou Lunatica Cultista, se objeví stavové zprávy, když se určitý boss chystá spawnout nebo se již spawnul. Po spawnutí hraje hudba na konkrétní téma.
Wall of Flesh - Terraria Wiki
The Wall of Flesh is the final and strongest pre-Hardmode boss, spawnable only in The Underworld. Once it is defeated, the world permanently converts to Hardmode, which brings new content and challenges.
The Destroyer - Terraria Wiki
The Destroyer is a Hardmode mechanical boss which is essentially a more difficult version of the Eater of Worlds. Like the Eater of Worlds, it is a very large worm. Although it appears to be similarly made up of many segments, individual segments …
Empress of Light - Terraria Wiki
The Empress of Light is one of 3 Hardmode bosses that are not necessary for game progression. The others are Queen Slime and Duke Fishron. She is the only nocturnal boss that uses upgraded moves rather than just one move when enraged.