Pi/2 radians different from 90 deg? - hpmuseum.org
Dec 18, 2021 · In Home "pi/2" is not really pi/2, but only the first 12 significant digits of it, rounded off. The tangent of THAT number is what older firmware versions of Prime return in Home view. If you want to find the tangent of EXACTLY pi/2, then use CAS view, in which "tan(pi/2)" returns +/- …
tan(pi/2)=-195948537906 (?)
Jun 10, 2020 · Well, that IS the correct answer for tan(1.5707963268)... I don't know the Prime, but I gather the same difference applies as in the 49G and up: the difference between numeric pi and symbolic 'PI'. The former is a 12-digit approximation, the latter the real thing.
tan(pi/2)=-195948537906 (?)
Jun 10, 2020 · RE: tan(pi/2)=-195948537906 (?) Well, that IS the correct answer for tan(1.5707963268)... I don't know the Prime, but I gather the same difference applies as in the 49G and up: the difference between numeric pi and symbolic 'PI'.
TRIG and inverse TRIG functions on the HP-17bII
ALL FUNCTIONS ARE ONLY FOR ANGLE BETWEEN 0 AND PI/2 (i.e. 0 and 90 degrees)! I used the "angle" symbol to represent the angle in the SIN and COS functions. In the listings below I substituted "{angle}" for this non-ascii character.
Trigonometric reduction formulas
Mar 25, 2020 · This applies to the basic trigonometric functions: SIN, COS, TAN, COT for two angle measures (degrees and radians). If we set the calculator in radians, most of the reduction formulas are made. The exception is the TAN function. For example: he will make such a reduction: TAN (π-x) = - TAN (x) or TAN (π +x) = TAN (x).
arcsinc( 1-y ), for small y - hpmuseum.org
Jun 18, 2020 · e = (m/2) / tan(pi/2 - x/2) = (m/2) tan( x/2 ) -- QED My weighted e is not designed for big angle, but ...
Torture tests: what do they mean? - hpmuseum.org
May 14, 2014 · For example, the tan(355/226) has an ideal result of -7497258.185... It gives me the following results (in Radian mode) for these models: HP-Prime: -7497089.06508
The tanh-sinh quadrature
Feb 1, 2017 · I have compared this tanh-sinh method against the Romberg method used in many hp calculators, by means of another Python script that implements the Romberg method.
Torture tests: what do they mean? - Printable Version
May 13, 2014 · A quick check with Wolfram Alpha shows this to be a correctly rounded result to 15 digits for the 15-digit input of "tan(1.57079646017699)". RE: Torture tests: what do they mean? - Paul Dale - 05-14-2014 03:35 AM
New firmware 2.1.14596 (2021-10-01) - hpmuseum.org
Oct 5, 2021 · I was surfing in hpcalc.org, and discovered an unexpected new firmware version, but I cannot find the new features: