Spanish Army (Peninsular War) - Wikipedia
The Spanish Army of the Peninsular War refers to the Spanish military units that fought against France's Grande Armée during a period which coincided with what is also termed the Spanish War of Independence (Spanish: Guerra de la Independencia Española).
The Spanish Army and the Loss of America, 1810-1824
Popular attitudes in Spain, particularly those of the Spanish army (which was directly concerned with the war), have heretofore been neglected. A little probing into the contemporary press and into the military archives from 1810 to 1824 reveals peculiar features of the Spanish attitude hard to reconcile with the “national tragedy” then in ...
Liberal Spain - Wikipedia
The defeat of the Spanish army at Ayacucho was the definitive end of Spain's empire on the South America mainland. ... The law of 8 January 1845 did just that, stifling local autonomy in favor of Madrid; the act contributed to the revolt of 1847 and the revival of Carlism in the provinces. The Electoral Law of 1846 limited the suffrage to the ...
Spain Military Records • FamilySearch
Jan 24, 2025 · Many men in Spain served in military units such as the army, the militia, the navy, and others. Often these records contain genealogical information that can help you to build your family tree. The men of Spain often had to receive an exemption from military service or prove that they had already served before they could leave the county.
Spanish Military Archives - icmh-cihm.org
Sep 3, 2021 · The Military Archives are responsible for the documents of military provenance from the Kingdom of Spain and its predecessors of the Military administration. These include documents from the Ministry of Defence and the Military administration: Ejército de Tierra, Armada y Ejército del Aire. 10. Categories, Linear measurement, Period covered.
The Spanish army in the Peninsular War : Esdaile, Charles J : Free ...
Jan 12, 2023 · Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2023-01-12 16:35:53 Autocrop_version 0.0.14_books-20220331-0.2 Bookplateleaf
Military history of Spain - Wikipedia
From 1519 to 1521, a coalition army of Spanish soldiers and Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger defeated the Aztec Empire; in 1532, Francisco Pizarro and his brothers Gonzalo and Hernando invaded and occupied the …
Section 5: Spanish Artillery (1745-1808) Stephen Summerfield of ...
Benninghoff II, Herman O. (1991) “Some Spanish Weapons in the American Revolution,” Bulletin of the American Society of Arms Collectors, 91, 1-9 Brinckerhoff, Sidney B., and Pierce A. Chamberlain (1972). Spanish Military Weapons in Colonial …
Without doubt the most efficient part of the Spanish Army was the Artillery and sundry technical services. Renounced for their fanatical bravery the gunners often fought too the last man protecting their Gribeauval pieces. Oman (1902) complimented the artillery as follows.
A Fear of the People: The Civic Militia of Mexico in 1845
Federalists and centralists battled for political supremacy between 1821 and 1845, and the civic militia fell victim to their struggle. It was suppressed and reorganized on a number of occasions, and did not flourish as it might have under more stable conditions.