Why doesn’t solid mercury float on liquid mercury but solid
Oct 6, 2023 · Mercury does this, a block of mercury should sink in liquid mercury. Water when it freezes expands, there are lots of reasons for it, but the short answer is as water cools the …
ELI5: If Mercury is at a temperature where it's solid, would it be ...
Mercury is quite brittle when solid, but that's only when very cold. Like all metals, it softens relatively close to its melting point. So, if you freeze a bar of mercury with dry ice, it is only …
Effectiveness of Mercury as a material for bladed weapons & armor?
Oct 31, 2020 · If it's an arrowhead of mercury melting inside a person's body then presumably it will get into the bloodstream and some of it will react to form the methylmercury that is the …
Melting solid Mercury : r/Damnthatsinteresting - Reddit
May 8, 2021 · Mercury has to be below about -40 (C or F) to freeze. That's damn cold so you see it has a layer of ice/frost on it (frozen out of the air) before he dunks it. Then as it warms in the …
Thermobaric mercury cryothermite : r/singularity - Reddit
Aug 2, 2023 · Solid mercury filings refer to mercury in a solid-state, not in its liquid state. While it's theoretically possible to combine various materials and explore new chemical reactions, …
Find ∆H for converting 100.0 g of solid mercury at 198.15 K
Sep 4, 2021 · The enthalpy change of fusion of mercury is 2331 J mol−1 . Find ∆H for converting 100.0 g of solid mercury at 198.15K ( −75.0 o C) to liquid mercury at 298.15K ( 25.0 o C) at a …
How strong is solid mercury compared to other metals at the
May 20, 2015 · How strong is solid mercury compared to other metals at the same temperature? Physics According to wikipedia mercury freezes around 40C, so if I had a meter long, …
110lbs iron anvil floats on liquid mercury - Reddit
Feb 14, 2022 · Mercury is 13.6x the specific gravity of water or 13.6x heavier it's the heaviest liquid on earth ( to the best of my knowledge) and will be used as a unit of measurement in …
Please don't consume mercury. : r/unitedstatesofindia - Reddit
Sep 16, 2023 · Hello, please dont consume mercury. It will kill you. Also please dont handle mercury with your bare hands. It is one of the most toxic substances known to humankind. …
ELI5: Why is Mercury in Dental Amalgams Safe? : r ... - Reddit
Oct 3, 2021 · Mercury as a part of a molecule can either be more or less absorbable - organic mercury like methyl mercury is incredibly dangerous as it absorbs super well. Inorganic solid …