Themes - The Physiological Society
The Society is arranged around seven Themes that focus on different areas of physiology research. Within those themes are 23 overlapping specialities, thus enabling scientists to align …
Early Career Theme Leads represent one of The Society's seven Themes together with the Theme Leads. T hey act as the focal point for M embers, helping to promote the Theme …
Meet the Early Career Theme Leads - The Physiological Society
Each Early Career Theme Lead represents one of The Society’s seven Themes, together with their equivalent Theme Leads, as a coordinator of the topic area and the focal point for …
The bustling world of hormone dynamics - The Physiological Society
As such, they regulate and integrate all of the areas of physiology represented by the different Society themes. Recent advances in endocrinology have transformed the field. For example, …
Theme Leads represent one of The Society's seven Themes they act as the focal point for members, helping to promote the Theme activities and encourage members and non …
New Theme Leads required - The Physiological Society
Feb 11, 2019 · The Society has launched three new Themes and is inviting applications for new Theme Leads. Our new Themes for 2019 are: Cardiac and Vascular Physiology; …
Education & Teaching - The Physiological Society
The Education & Teaching Theme supports best practice and innovative physiology teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Teaching fellows and lecturers are eligible to …
Welcome to our new Theme Leads - The Physiological Society
The Society recently appointed seven new Theme Leads, who join the existing Theme Leads and their counterpart Early Career Theme Leads. Each incoming Theme Lead was chosen due to …
Human, Environmental & Exercise Physiology - The Physiological …
The Human, Environmental & Exercise Physiology Theme brings together researchers on the metabolic responses to exercise and nutrition in both health and disease, from molecular …
Stress in modern Britain - The Physiological Society
In order to complement our 2017 Society Theme “Making Sense of Stress”, we commissioned a YouGov survey which asked over 2000 people to rate how stressful they found key life events. …