Jewish Community Building | Sing Unto God
Led by Cantor Rosalie Will, Sing Unto God (SUG) works to elevate the practice of communal singing and meaningful worship. SUG produces Hava Nashira and Shabbat Shira, as well as trains Jewish songleaders of all ages year around in how to build community through song.
Membership - Sing Unto God
Welcome to Sing Unto God's Introductory Membership. Sing Unto God is a gathering place for learners, songleaders, teachers, and more who want to connect to deepen their practice of communal singing, dig into thoughtful worship planning, and spend rich time with colleagues, peers, and friends.
Events | Sing Unto God
Throughout the year Sing Unto God presents and produces events and conferences that advance our mission and goals, build community, and offer a place for musical inspiration and enjoyment.
Teen Songleader Fellowships - Sing Unto God
For the 2023-2024 school year, Sing Unto God is running a North American Teen Songleading Fellowship for emerging leader from any community, large or small, as well as regional fellowships offering training and mentorship in partnership with local congregations and community organizations.
Hava Nashira 2025 | Jewish Songleader Conference - Sing Unto God
Sing Unto God is offering a 2-day songleader intensive track for those 18 & older who will be working in Jewish camps in overnight or day camps for Summer 2025.
Debbie Friedman - Sing Unto God
Sing Unto God is grateful for the “blessing” of Cheryl Friedman, Debbie’s sister and we look forward to working with Cheryl as she continues to build and celebrate Debbie’s legacy. If you are new to Debbie, we encourage you to visit her official website and read about her on the Union for Reform Judaism site .
Teens - Sing Unto God
The Sing Unto God Teen Songleader Fellowship invites young Jewish songleaders to develop their skills, deepen their knowledge of repertoire and communal singing technique, and build meaningful leadership and relationship opportunities in …
Solidarity - Sing Unto God
Thank you for creating Sing Unto God, and most recently creating a night of music, solidarity, prayer, and love through music and poetry, just three days after the horrific, unprecedented, attack on Israel.
Mentors | Sing Unto God
The Sing Unto God Teen Songleader Fellowship invites young Jewish songleaders to develop their skills, deepen their knowledge of repertoire and communal singing technique, and build meaningful leadership and relationship opportunities in …
Hava Nashira 2022 - Sing Unto God
Sing Unto God presents. sponsored by. May 22nd-25th, 2022 at Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. In 2022, we celebrated 30 years with time for reflection and honor, while welcoming more than 50 new participants who can share new ways of creating communal singing experiences, songleading, worship, and justice leading. Our ...