Moses Shrevnitz (Street & Smith) | The Shadow Wiki | Fandom
Moe "Shrevvy" Shrevnitz is a cab driver from the Bronx who once ran his own taxi service. When some thugs intended to kill him and take his taxicab, The Shadow saved him. He was later asked to join The Shadow's network of agents. He accepted, and …
Moe Shrevnitz | The Shadow Wiki | Fandom
Moe Shrevnitz is a driver from the Bronx who runs his own taxicab service. When thugs tried to kill him and take his vehicle, it was The Shadow who saved him. Moe agreed to repay the debt by becoming the vigilante's personal cabbie. He often shuttles The Shadow and his …
Moses Shrevnitz (Dark Horse) | The Shadow Wiki | Fandom
Moe "Shrevvy" Shrevnitz is The Shadow's personal taxicab driver. He often shuttles The Shadow and his agents discreetly about town. He is also the perfect prop to cause traffic distractions or delays while The Shadow is in pursuit of a criminal.
The Shadow - Remake Plot Idea..... - filmboards.com
Feb 11, 2013 · With his new powers and costume, he becomes "The Shadow", a rising vigilante that begins protecting The Big Apple from crime and corruption. He becomes quite a menace to both criminals and the police, particularly a bloodhound detective named Joseph Cardona.
Section 244: Bitter Fruit#5: "Shiwan Khan's House of Horrors!"
Apr 7, 2012 · The Shadow brings Shrevy to a nearby wharf, which inexplicably isn't noticed by Khan, even though the camera is presumably still focused on the scenes of the crash. The Shadow decides he'll continue to fight Shiwan Khan in his costumed identity, taking advantage of Lamont Cranston's supposed death.
Section 244: Bitter Fruit#8: "The Human Bomb!" - Blogger
When Margo & Shrevy see the Shadow they assume he's the one come to kill Lamont, so he hypnotizes them so they'll forget he was there. Mr. TNT breaks through the door (so either Lamont buys cheap doors or he's the Kool-Aid Man?), asking "Cranston! Where are you?" The Shadow answers "Right here!"
GCD :: Issue :: The Shadow #1 - Grand Comics Database
Secret Service agent Lamont Cranston, secretly The Shadow, working with Commissioner Weston, tries to prevent international criminal mastermind Shiwan Khan from stealing the plans for the United States' newest fighter plane, the RXG.
The Shadow #1 (ARCHIE COMICS Publications, Inc. August 1964
The Shadow #1 (ARCHIE COMICS Publications, Inc. August 1964) is a Silver Age (1956-69) comic book featuring the iconic superhero, The Shadow. This issue includes exciting adventures with The Shadow, Weston, Margo Lane (Cranston's Secretary), Shrevy, and Shiwan Khan.
Archie The Shadow #3 - bookmice.net
Shrevy, the cab driver, has been hypnotized by Khan to kill Lamont. Khan doesn't realize that Lamont and the Shadow are one and the same. Lamont manages to save himself and Shrevy.
Overlooked Films: THE SHADOW in "International Crime" (1938)
The image of The Shadow on the newspaper column is the same one used for the Shadow Club pin and insignia in the pulps. The Shadow's cabbie Moe (never called "Shrevy") is on hand, and forced to pretend Cranston is a stranger to him.