how do you anchor conduit or masts to a structure?
Jun 4, 2011 · A service on an eave side gets a mast brace that spans the rafter tails and pushes back on the mast. 3/4" IMC, drilled thru the tails or secured by offset brackets. If the 2" IMC …
A few questions on service masts - Electrician Talk
May 13, 2022 · 2. Boots/roof flashing are not that bad to do. Here, all of our masts are 2 1/2" rigid pipe. I can buy a 'mast kit' at my supply house that has the hub attachment for the meter, 3x 2 …
Here's how we back brace a tall riser/mast - Electrician Talk
Dec 7, 2009 · I would put a boot on that mast penetration since it is going through a roof cavity. The water running down the mast will not always stay on the mast. It may run down the inside …
mast size - Electrician Talk
Feb 4, 2017 · to put up a 2" rigid mast. I assume smaller masts are available in 1 1/4 (or so) but didn't see any at the supplier. The new mast will be sticking up fairly high to give clearance …
Backbracing Service Masts - Electrician Talk
Oct 10, 2011 · Backbracing service masts?? What are your methods? Got any pics? Does anyone know if there is a "kit" on the market that contains everything needed. I've got a job to …
Service mast. - Electrician Talk
Apr 29, 2010 · The mast will stick above the roof line approx. 36" with the service drop attached to the mast. I have never used a guy wire before and I am having trouble locating one, is this …
Service mast change out - Electrician Talk
Mar 13, 2016 · If you go through the roof (can't re-locate the service head left or right) then a mast kit. This has all the components required to seal the roof properly and the bolts that go through …
Service Mast Guy Wires - Electrician Talk
Oct 23, 2010 · No pics of the last one i did that got tore off from a tree but it was a good 50" above the roof. The mast did not go through the roof, instead it went beside it as the home had no …
Service drop attachment to a mast service - Electrician Talk
Apr 24, 2010 · None taken, Rob. This service is in a JCP&L area. Me and another licensed guy did this service yesterday so he's gonna have to call the POCO to straighten this out since it's …
First Time Guy Wire - Electrician Talk
Apr 25, 2014 · 75-316 Guys on service masts 75-316 (1) Where the distance from the upper support clamp on the service mast to the point of attachment exceeds 1.5 m, or where the …