Sericite | Properties, Occurrence and Uses » Geology Science
Apr 23, 2023 · Sericite is a type of mica, specifically a muscovite mica. The chemical formula for sericite is KAl2 (AlSi3O10) (OH)2, which means it contains potassium, aluminum, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Sericite is characterized by its thin, platy structure and is usually white, gray, or pale yellow in color.
Sericite - Wikipedia
Sericite is produced by the alteration of orthoclase or plagioclase feldspars in areas that have been subjected to hydrothermal alteration (also see Sericitic alteration) typically associated with copper, tin, or other hydrothermal ore deposits.
Sericite: Mineral information, data and localities.
Named in 1852 by Karl/Carl List from the Greek seirος meaning "silken". A term for a fine-grained white, pale green to oily greenish mica, mainly Muscovite (rarely Paragonite). Neoproterozoic …
Sericite | mineral | Britannica
The minutely crystalline variety consisting of muscovite or paragonite (or both), generally referred to as sericite, is silky. Mohs hardness of the micas is approximately 2 1/2 on cleavage flakes …
Quartz-Sericite Schist - National MagLab
Nov 13, 2015 · Schist is a type of metamorphic rock that is chiefly comprised of flaky minerals and exhibits a plated structure known as schistosity. It is because of this characteristic structure that schists exhibit perfect cleavage, readily splitting along planes into thin flexible layers. The mineralogical composition of schists is quite variable.
The crystal structure of sericite before and after dehydroxylation.
In this study, the transformation behavior of V-bearing sericite during fluidized roasting was explored by combining experimental detections and density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
Sericite is a common alteration mineral of orthoclase or plagioclase feldspars in areas that have been subjected to hydrothermal alteration typically associated with copper, tin, or other hydrothermal ore deposits. Sericite also occurs as the fine mica that gives the sheen to phyllite and schistose metamorphic rocks. Bibliography
Sericite from the Silverton Caldera, Colorado; correlation among ...
Sericite from the Silverton caldera occurs in fractures that cut a Tertiary volcanic complex and appears to have been formed by the hydrothermal alteration of fault gouge.
Mineralatlas Lexikon - Sericite (english Version)
Serizit stellt eine besonders feinschuppige Art von Muskovit dar. Serizit wird auch als feinschuppiger Hellglimmer bezeichnet. Zwar ist Serizit auch ein Dreischicht-Mineral, als …
Sericite mineral - Digitalfire.com
Sericite A talc-like mineral (Na 2 O-K 2 O).3Al 2 O 3 .6SiO 2 .2H 2 O. It has a relatively flat, platey grain structure.
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