Sandi L Burgess, (716) 549-1499, 123 Grove St, Angola, NY
Sandi L Burgess moved to Grove St in Angola, New York, 14006-1405 in 1995 and has been a resident there since then.
Sandra Burgess in Angola, NY 1 person found - Whitepages
Sandra L Ward lives in Angola, NY. They have also lived in Hamburg, NY and Dallas, TX. Sandra is related to Owen Ward and William Burgess as well as 3 additional people. Phone numbers for Sandra include: (207) 933-4860. View Sandra's cell phone and current address.
Sandra Ward in Angola, NY 5 people found - Whitepages
View Sandra Ward results in Angola, NY including current home address, phone number, relatives & property records with Whitepages. We found 5 people named Sandra Ward in Angola, NY.
Sandra L Ward, (716) 397-1678, Angola, NY - ClustrMaps
123 Grove Str, Angola, NY 14006-1405 is the current address for Sandra. Who are the residents at 123 Grove Street Angola, in addition to Sandra L Ward? Three persons linked to this address. Their names are Sandra Burgess and Owen B Ward. How to call Sandra Ward?
Sandra L Ward, 62 - Angola, NY - Reputation & Contact Details
Sandra Ward currently lives in Angola, NY; in the past Sandra has also lived in Hamburg NY. Sandra L Ward and Sandra L Burgess are some of the alias or nicknames that Sandra has used. We have lots of information about Sandra: religious views are listed as Christian, ethnicity is Caucasian, and political affiliation is unknown.
Sandra Burgess, (716) 397-1678, Angola, NY - ClustrMaps
Sandra Burgess is a resident of Angola. Lookup the home address, phone numbers, email address for this person
Sandra Burgess in Angola, NY - Absolute People Search
Public records would indicate that Sandra is about 62 years old. Public Records indicate that Sandra has a marital status of Single. For housing it looks like Sandra is a Home Owner and lives near Angola. In regards to donations made for political purposes, Sandra has donated before.
Sandra Burgess in New York 29 people found - Whitepages
Contact information for people named Sandra Burgess found in Angola, Astoria, Auburn and 16 other U.S. cities in NY, and include family, property and public records. lives in Pleasant Valley, NY. Phone numbers for Sandra include: (845) 635-2810. 's …
Sandra L Ward, Angola, NY (14006) - Spokeo
See Sandra L Ward's age, phone number, house address, email address, social media accounts, public records, and check for criminal records on Spokeo.
Sandi Burgess in New York Address, Phone Number & More
4 results were found for Sandi Burgess in New York including contact info, addresses, relatives, and more with PeopleFinders.