Pukingang-kahoy / Clitoria tree / Philippine pigeonwings / …
Clitoria fairchildiana is a small to medium-sized tree with low branching and pendulous branches. Crown bushy and rounded. Significant nitrogen-fixing with high degree of root nodulation. Leaves trifoliate with rough texture, evergreen in Singapore but winter-deciduous in native Brazil.
Oct 18, 2016 · This fast-growing native tree is great for landscaping. Locals also say that Kahoy Dalaga has medicinal properties that can be used against snakebites! “Protect our trees, our forests- our source of life!”
KAHOY DALAGA (Mussaenda philippica) - Fast-growing Native Tree …
Discover the benefits of planting Kahoy Dalaga, a fast-growing native tree great for landscaping. Locals believe it has medicinal properties to counter snakebites. Let's protect our trees and forests - our source of life!
Kahoi-dalaga - StuartXchange
Kahoi-dalaga is a shrub or small tree 3 to 5 meters high, more or less hairy or nearly smooth. Leaves are opposite, dark green and glossy, oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 6 to 14 centimeters long, pointed in both ends, and furnished with stipules about 4 millimeters long.
DPWH pana putla ra bahalag gulang na... - Dumaguete Awareness …
DPWH pana putla ra bahalag gulang na kaau nang kahoi. The Tree was there First When you know the value of one tree, you see many other alternatives are there, instead of cutting the trees....
Ang duha ka dakong kahoi napod sa... - Dumaguete Awareness
Apr 12, 2021 · Ang duha ka dakong kahoi napod sa Amlan ilang gi tan.aw Then and Now. Manjuyod, Negros Oriental. Do you agree Cutting Trees for road widening? Under Section 16, Article II of the 1987...
Dapong-kahoi, Loranthus ferrugineus Roxb.: Philippine Medicinal …
Dapong-kahoi is a bushy hemi-parasitic shrub. Branchlets and leaves beneath are densely covered with a tomentum of long- and short -branched hairs. Leaves are opposite, and shortly petioled, usually roundish-elliptical, 5 to 10 centimeters long, 2 to 5 centimeters wide, and smooth above when old.
Pohon Kahoi, Meranti dari Tanah Rawa - Kaltim Kece
May 25, 2024 · Kahoi merupakan satu dari sedikit pohon berkayu keras yang tumbuh di lahan gambut. Kahoi berasal dari famili yang sama dengan meranti yaitu Dipterocarpaceae . Makanya, kahoi dijuluki meranti dari tanah rawa karena hidup di lahan gambut.
KAHOY DALAGA - PressReader
Sep 24, 2012 · It is indigenous to the Philippines usually found in the thickets, secondary and secondary forests, on Mt. Makiling in forest margins and along trails up to 700m alt. Cultivated as ornamental, the plant is said to be used against snakebites and to cure dysentery.
Dona aurora, Mussaenda Philippica A. Rich. var. aurora Sulit …
Doña Aurora is a shrub or small tree, 3 to 5 meters high. Leaves are opposite, broad-ovate, with short-pointed tips, dark green and glossy. Calyx lobes are expanded into white or greenish-white, large, leaf-like, oval bracts; the green blade expanded with short-acute or blunt tip.