Regex for not empty and not whitespace - Stack Overflow
Nov 30, 2012 · The regex is good, but the explanation is a bit misleading. Your regex matches a string that consists entirely of non-whitespace characters and is at least one character in length. Thus, it does more than just "check if there is at least one non-whitespace character". –
regex - Regular expression for alphanumeric and underscores
Oct 17, 2022 · In the .NET regex language, you can turn on ECMAScript behavior and use \w as a shorthand (yielding ^\w*$ or ^\w+$). Note that in other languages, and by default in .NET, \w is somewhat broader, and will match other sorts of Unicode characters as well (thanks to Jan for pointing this out).
regex - Match pattern anywhere in string? - Stack Overflow
Aug 13, 2014 · I want to match the following pattern: Exxxx49 (where x is a digit 0-9) For example, E123449abcdefgh, abcdefE123449987654321 are both valid. I.e., I need to match the pattern anywhere in a string. I am using: ^*E[0-9]{4}49*$ But it only matches E123449. How can I allow any amount of characters in front or after the pattern?
regex - Regular expression that matches valid IPv6 addresses
Sep 10, 2008 · It is indeed a code smell; however after taking a look you'll see that each regex is fairly concise. The problem is that there are different patterns created by the 'compression' of ipv6 -- Colons beginning,middle, and end, on top of if you've used your double colon you can't use it again, on top of the total colons before and after the double have to add up.
Regex to match only letters - Stack Overflow
Jan 20, 2021 · Regex pattern for URL string-1. Regex test not passing. 0. grep command; Display all lines of the file ...
regex - Regular expression to match string starting with a specific ...
Nov 13, 2021 · Or, if you wish to match lines beginning with the word stop, but followed by either a space or any other non-word character you can use (your regex flavor permitting) ^stop\W On the other hand, what follows matches a word at the beginning of a string on most regex flavors (in these flavors \w matches the opposite of \W) ^\w
python - Check if string matches pattern - Stack Overflow
If you need to search a pattern in a single string, then there's no need to compile it since re.search, re.match etc. all make calls to _compile method anyway. However, if you need to search a pattern in multiple strings, then compiling it first makes a …
Searching for UUIDs in text with regex - Stack Overflow
Oct 30, 2014 · A search for UUID regular expression pattern matching brought me to this stack overflow post but the accepted answer actually isn't an answer. Additionally, the link you provided in the comment below your question also doesn't have the pattern (unless I'm missing something). Is one of these answer something you ended up using? –
OR condition in Regex - Stack Overflow
Apr 13, 2013 · This pattern will match: \d+: One or more numbers. \s+: One or more whitespaces. [A-Z\s]+: One or more uppercase characters or space characters \s+: One or more whitespaces. [A-Z][A-Za-z\s]+: An uppercase character followed by at least one more character (uppercase or lowercase) or whitespaces.
Regex for parsing directory and filename - Stack Overflow
Here, single_dir is yz/ because, first it matched var/, then it found next occurrence of same pattern i.e. log/, then it found the next occurrence of same pattern yz/. So, it showed the last occurrence of pattern. Step-4: Match filename and clean up. Now, we know that we're never going to use the groups like single_dir, filepath, root.