Red-breasted Nuthatch - BirdForum Opus
In years of bad harvest, they migrate in large numbers to more southerly forests. They also feed on bark insects, maneuvering with agility around the tips of small, outer branches or in treetops. They also feed on bark insects. Vocalisation A tinny yank-yank, higher pitched and more nasal than the call of the White-breasted Nuthatch.
Black-and-White "Warbler": Warbler or Nuthatch? - BirdForum
May 5, 2004 · This got me to thinking: Is the Black-and-White Warbler really a nuthatch? It has the signature eye-stripe that occurs on all 17 species of nuthatch (including the White-Breasted nuthatch). It also has the rear toe claw that is two times longer than the front toe claws, which is also a feature of nuthatches. What do you guys think?
Red-breasted Nuthatch? Cherokee County, NC; January 2025
Jan 24, 2025 · This is the only picture. And the light is not great for a good look at the breast.
This is a first! Red-breasted nuthatch! - BirdForum
Oct 22, 2007 · Red-breasted Nuthatches live mainly far North, and they technically have wintered throughout the lower 48 states. But like KC said, this year has been a major irruption for not only nuthatches, but a lot of northerly living species, such as finches, redpolls, crossbills, etc. Red-breasted Nuthatches have become very common throughout the Midwest this Fall, and many people (including myself ...
Juvenile Nuthatch - BirdForum
Jun 13, 2005 · Our Nuthatch is most like your Red-breasted. The juveniles (of the European Nuthatch) lack the reddish-brown on the flanks of the adult, but otherwise are very similar.
Red-breasted Nuthatch - BirdForum
Jan 30, 2024 · Discussion thread for Red-breasted Nuthatch. If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button.
Red-breasted nuthatch? - BirdForum
Mar 29, 2019 · Today I was able to photograph it, and it has a distinct white and black stripe on its head. It has slightly different feeding behavior from a white-breasted nuthatch, which tends to "grab and go"; this little bird stays a bit longer on the feeder. Female red-breasted nuthatch? Northern New Jersey, 28 March 2019.
Red Squirrel and a sleeping Nuthatch - BirdForum
Jan 17, 2006 · This was one tired White-breasted Nuthatch, not even a kiss from a Red Squirrel could wake it.
Upside down nuthatch - BirdForum
Mar 8, 2003 · My nuthatches will feed anywhere and in any position at all. They particularly like the peanut-flavored suet, and on the suet feeder can be upside-down, rightside-up, or anything in between. I get mostly brown-headed nuthatches, rarely a white-breasted, but have yet to see a red-breasted. I wish some would come my way.
Nuthatch from Texas, Perhaps? - BirdForum
Nov 28, 2013 · Howdy Odd angel on this one, but I'm making out a red-breasted nuthatch, what with the eye stripe and the, uh, red breast. Anyone agree or disagree? Thanks Aaron