The Milk Diet
Porter and Macfadden even collaborated on a third publication also titled The Miracle of Milk, a rare collection of pamphlets on the milk diet. In these books they answer common questions of their patients and they provide powerful testimonials about the healing power of milk. On this site you can read about the basics of the milk diet
The Milk Diet: Basics - Big Tada
The basic milk diet includes: • Exclusive raw milk diet for at least three weeks • Rest during the diet, preferably bed rest (though Macfadden’s patients did not always do this). The philosophy: • Raw milk is a nutrient-dense food. • Liquid is more easily absorbed than solid food.
The Milk Diet: Macfadden Book, Chapter III - Big Tada
How Long Should The Milk Diet Be Continued? It is natural to ask how long should the milk diet be continued. To this I would answer, the longer the better. That is, until all symptoms have disappeared—at least the most troublesome and significant symptoms, or, if for any reason this is impossible, then until they have been greatly relieved.
The Milk Diet: Questions - Big Tada
Question: Does the milk have to be raw? Answer: It should be. Click here for more information. Question: How much milk do I have to drink? Answer: At least a gallon and as many as two according to Dr. Porter. Macfadden recommends less milk consumption for weight loss. See the free web version of Macfadden’s book. Question: Will I lose weight ...
The Milk Diet: Macfadden Book - Big Tada
The Milk Diet: How to Use the Milk Diet Scientifically at Home by Bernarr Macfadden, 1923. CONTENTS. (Click on any of the links below or on the sidebar on the left to call up the indicated text.) Preface Chapter I: Why the Milk Diet Cures Chapter II: When to Use the Milk Diet Chapter III: The Milk Diet R é gime
The Milk Diet: Classic Works - Big Tada
In 2007, we will offer a print book, The Milk Diet Classics, which will include: Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease, by Charles Sanford Porter, M.D. and The Miracle of Milk: How to Use the Milk Diet Scientifically at Home, by Bernarr Macfadden. (Read it free of charge by clicking here). The two doctors complement each other well. Porter ...
The Milk Diet: Macfadden Book, Chapter IV
Again, it is learned that raw cow’s milk forms a large, hard curd, whereas boiled milk curds in a much finer and softer form; that the presence of much cream (milk fat) in the milk insures the formation of particularly soft curds which are slow to leave the stomach; that skimmed milk yields a particularly hard curd, owing to the absence of ...
The Milk Diet: Macfadden Book, Chapter VI
Combinations of milk and other foods, usually fruits, may be valuable in many cases, but do not consider this the milk diet. 12. Water is rarely required when on the milk diet, except the first thing in the morning. But if at any time of the day or night there is a genuine thirst for water only, there will be no harm whatever in taking any ...
The Milk Diet: MacFadden Book, Chapter II - Big Tada
The milk diet has a tendency to fill and probably distend the bladder. In certain cases of prostatic enlargements a full bladder makes it impossible or very difficult to void the urine. In these cases the milk diet is not satisfactory unless taken in small quantities, as in epilepsy.
The Milk Diet: Macfadden Book, Chapter V
CHAPTER V: HOW TO CHANGE FROM THE MILK DIET In changing from the milk diet back to the regular diet great care must be exercised, even though a cure has been established or great improvement secured. Many fail to make the benefits of the milk diet lasting because they make the change to solid food too abruptly, or return to a disease-producing ...