Xanadu (Titan) - Wikipedia
Xanadu (often called "Xanadu Regio", though this is not its official name) is a highly reflective area on the leading hemisphere of Saturn's moon Titan. Its name comes from an alternate transcription of Shangdu, the summer capital of the Yuan dynasty established by Kublai Khan and made famous by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [1]
Xanadu’s channels and dunes - Science@NASA
May 11, 2010 · In a sweeping mosaic of the low latitudes of Saturn's moon Titan, the bright landmass of the enigmatic region known as Xanadu stands out on the right-hand side of this radar image obtained by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The annotated version shows Xanadu in …
Cassini Reveals Titan's Xanadu Region To Be an Earth-like Land
Jul 18, 2006 · New radar images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed geological features similar to Earth on Xanadu, an Australia-sized, bright region on Saturn's moon Titan. These radar images, from a strip more than 4,500 kilometers (2,796 miles) long, show Xanadu is surrounded by darker terrain, reminiscent of a free-standing landmass.
Xanadu - Space Wiki | Fandom
Xanadu (often called "Xanadu Regio", though this is not its official name) is a highly reflective area on the leading hemisphere of Saturn's moon Titan. Its name comes from Xanadu, the legendary palace described in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem Kubla Khan.
Xanadu - Planetary Names
PDF Maps of Titan. Titan with ISS background Not all features are shown on this map, however a few features, including some faculae, planitiae and regiones, can be seen better here than on the VIMS maps. Map covers area between 90°N and 90°S. Titan with VIMS background and RADAR strips All named features between 50°N and 90°S are …
Eyes on Xanadu - NASA Science
Dec 17, 2004 · This image taken on Oct. 24, 2004, reveals Titan's bright "continent-sized" terrain known as Xanadu. It was acquired with the narrow angle camera on Cassini's imaging science subsystem through a spectral filter centered at 938 nanometers, a wavelength region at which Titan's surface can be most easily detected.
Xanadu - Wikipedia
Xanadu may refer to: Shangdu , the summer capital of Yuan dynasty ruled by Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan. a metaphor for opulence or an idyllic place, based upon Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's description of Shangdu in his poem Kubla Khan
The 'Xanadu Annex' on Titan - NASA
Sep 6, 2016 · Xanadu — and now perhaps its annex — remains something of a mystery. First imaged in 1994 by the Hubble Space Telescope (just three years before Cassini’s launch from Earth), Xanadu was the first surface feature to be recognized on Titan.
Skirting Xanadu’s Southern Boundary - Science@NASA
Mar 6, 2009 · The southern edge of Xanadu, a continent-size feature on Saturn's moon Titan, is seen in this Cassini radar mapper image swath collected on Feb. 22, 2008. Xanadu is unusually bright in both infrared and radar wavelengths.
SCI-207 XANADU (docx) - CliffsNotes
Dec 15, 2024 · 1. Where will the significant lines of latitude, including the equator, tropics, and circles, align on Xanadu? Our planet has similar lines of latitude to Earth's system. The equator is located at 0° latitude. This divides the planet into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
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