Paris Saint-Germain - Club profile | Transfermarkt
All information about Paris SG (Ligue 1) current squad with market values transfers rumours player stats fixtures news
Paris Saint-Germain - Kulüp profili | Transfermarkt
Kulüp bilgileri: PSG (Ligue 1) Güncel kadro ve piyasa değerleri Transferler Söylentiler Oyuncu istatistikleri Fikstür Haberler
Paris Saint-Germain - Transfers 24/25 | Transfermarkt
Transfers: Overview of all signed and sold players of club Paris SG for the current season.
Paris Saint-Germain - Profil du club | Transfermarkt
Paris SG - Voici l’aperçu du club de Ligue 1, comprenant ses stats, ses valeurs marchandes, ses matchs, son actualité et les rumeurs le concernant.
París Saint-Germain FC - Perfil del club | Transfermarkt
Todo sobre el equipo PSG (Ligue 1) plantilla actual con valores de mercado fichajes rumores estadísticas jugadores Calendario de juego noticias
FC Paris Saint-Germain - Vereinsprofil | Transfermarkt
Marktwert-Spiel "What's my value?" Akt. Transferbilanz: -109,82 Mio. € Ol. Marseille. Für wen bist du?
Paris Saint-Germain - Squad statistics | Transfermarkt
The squad overview lists all player stats for a selected season. The results can be sorted by competition, which means that only the stats for the selected competition will be displayed. Alongside squad call-ups and actual games played, the page also lists information such as minutes played and goals scored.
Paris Saint-Germain - Squad by position | Transfermarkt
Current squad of the club Paris SG in the Ligue 1 including an arrangement according to main position and side positions.
Paris Saint-Germain - Detailed squad 24/25 | Transfermarkt
It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, contract duration and market value. It also contains a table with average age, cumulative market value and …
Paris Saint-Germain - Next season's squad | Transfermarkt
Dies ist die Kompaktansicht des voraussichtlichen Kaders vom Verein Paris SG. Berücksichtigt werden feststehende Neuzugänge sowie Rückkehrer.