Ideas for Ottomans - Paradox Interactive Forums
Jun 18, 2019 · Ideas for Ottomans. Thread starter VITITO; Start date Jun 18, 2019; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu ...
Ideas for blobby Ottomans? | Paradox Interactive Forums
Jan 21, 2020 · Other than that expansion east is unstoppable. Sure it says you'll be getting a coalition, but it won't fire (unless you get into really big wars). Adm. & Dip. ideas first, adm, inlf, diplo and human. Quantity early is good too as with more troops you can do more things. Fill up with military ideas as late game units aren't great with Ottomans.
Are The Ottomans too Strong? Are their National Ideas too …
Aug 20, 2023 · I think, especially, The Ottomans National Ideas are too strong (edit: I mean, too strong relative to the nations in the middle east; not compared to the whole world.) Another problem is The Ottoman's free claims around parts of …
Ottoman Empire Strategy Guide | Paradox Interactive Forums
Feb 6, 2007 · It seems in order to get game advantages, the player should do things like becoming a Theocracy (which is very non-Ottoman) or take religious ideas etc. 4. Because of the ridiculous culture-group system, Ottomans have the same culture-group (Altaic) with Shamanistic Siberian hunter-gatherers, and Buddhistic Mongols but have different culture ...
What are the best 4 group ideas as Ottomans for early WC?
May 25, 2023 · The best ideas for Otto world conquest I would take in this order, admin, influence, humanist, diplo, expansion, offensive, defensive/quantity, quantity/defensive. Usually it's tough to take an admin idea group first, but you have an excellent ruler as Ottomans.
Sultan of Rum (Ottoman) second idea choice - Paradox Interactive …
May 24, 2016 · Hi all, I'm going for a Sultan of Rum achievement (at least) in my Ottoman game. My first idea group is Influence, for the AE reduction and the diplo-annex cost reduction. It is 1482, I am allied to France and Bohemia, I have 3 stability, high...
Ottomans best army composition | Paradox Interactive Forums
Sep 9, 2023 · Enemy is 24, I am 23 but soon will be 24. Fighting Spain maybe their ideas matter? Sorry for being quite dumb btw, new in a game xd. I’ll send a screen of my military later, but yes I got a little bit less discipline and morale.
Best/Favorite national ideas | Paradox Interactive Forums
Aug 1, 2015 · I think the Ottoman ideas are overrated. I love playing as the Ottomans and they do have the single best idea ingame (millets) conveniently placed first, but their fun factor lies more in their own space marines (janissaries events) and the ability to core large swathes of land as colonies uncontested.
Ottoman WC superspeed in-depth guide - Paradox Interactive …
Feb 18, 2016 · 10. OP ottoman events: by 1500 your dictator-to-be should be in command and hopefully young. You need to watch out for 4 events. Shipyard: triggers in 1500-1520. Short window, but low mtth. Requires PEACE. Optional, but i can afford that 1 year of peace. Mimar sinan: build/develop: 1500-1550. Medium mtth, can trigger at war. Best on a young ruler.
Advice on Ottoman Ideas | Paradox Interactive Forums
Mar 28, 2016 · In fact, you Mil ideas should be defensive or quality - they give +1 military tradition idea which is important once the Janissary decadence disaster fires later on. For your second idea, you can go with either trade (more money) or influence (AE reduction helps when taking lands from HRE/western europe).