The Neolithic Dwellings Museum | Stara Zagora
The Neolithic dwellings are one of the mandatory stops for tourists in Stara Zagora. The museum takes its visitors back in time more than eight thousand years. It tells stories and shows artifacts related to the daily life and the faith of the local prehistoric settlers.
Neolithic Dwellings Museum - Wikipedia
The Neolithic Dwellings Museum in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria was created in 1979. It is a branch of The Stara Zagora Regional Historical Museum. The Neolithic Dwellings Museum is built around two Neolithic houses dating back to the 6th millennium BC. 1826 artifacts were found there.
Неолитни жилища (Стара Загора) – Уикипедия
Музей „Неолитни жилища“ е създаден през 1979 г. В него може да се видят 2 жилища от новокаменната епоха на територията на Стара Загора. Той е един от Стоте национални туристически обекта. Представляват къща на два етажа с комин и три отделни помещения с дължина 10 m, широчина 5,60 m и височина минимум 7 m.
Banesat e neolitit në Stara Zagora – më të vjetrat në Evropë
Feb 18, 2010 · Banesat e neolitit në Stara Zagora janë një monument i jashtëzakonshëm historik me rëndësi botërore. Ato janë një prej 100 objekteve turistike kombëtare. Në muzeun, që ngrihet mbi vetë zbulimet arkeologjike mirëmbahet temperaturë dhe lagësirë e përhershme, që të ruhen këto pasuri arkeologjike.
BGWalk - Neolithic Dwellings Museum, Stara Zagora
More than 120 prehistoric village mounds have been found in the region of Stara Zagora. Only in the surroundings and the borders of the modern city were discovered and explored 5 of them, and the mound where the neolithic house was found is one of them.
Museum „Neolit-Wohnungen“, Stadt Stara Zagora - Touristisches …
The Neolithic Dwellings Museum is situated in Stara Zagora and contains finds that are extremely important for the history of mankind. It exhibits the two best-preserved Neolithic dwellings in Europe that date back to the 6th millennium BC.
Neolithic dwellings Museum
In the basement of the museum there is an exhibition Prehistoric Art in Stara Zagora. Everyone can see there wonderful masterpieces of pottery, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sculptures, ornaments and tools made by the creators of the first European civilization..
Neolithic Dwellings Museum – Stara Zagora - WELCOME.BG
The Neolithic Dwellings Museum is situated in Stara Zagora and contains finds that are extremely important for the history of mankind. It exhibits the two best-preserved Neolithic dwellings in Europe that date back to the 6 th millennium BC.
Neolithic Dwellings Museum, Stara Zagora - Bulgaria Travel
The Neolithic Dwellings Museum is situated in Stara Zagora and contains finds that are extremely important for the history of mankind. It exhibits the two best-preserved Neolithic dwellings in Europe that date back to the 6th millennium BC.
Neolithic Dwellings Museum – Stara Zagora – iLoveBulgaria
It exhibits the two best-preserved Neolithic dwellings in Europe that date back to the 6th millennium BC. The two dwellings were destroyed by sudden fire millennia ago and this is the main reason why they are so well preserved today. The dwellings have one room each and are separated by a common partition wall.