Namekian - Dragon Ball Wiki
An unnamed blue-eyed Namekian form appears in Dragon Ball Heroes which can be acquired by Namekian avatars via Super God Class-up. It is superior to the red-eyed form gained via God Class-up and grants the user the ability to utilize Godly ki.
Forms and Power Ups Multipliers/Non-Canon
First Form: Full Power divided by 226 (*Full Power divided by 283 for anime Frieza) Second Form: 2x First Form; Third Form: 2x Second Form; True Form: Base; Half Power: 50x Base (Assuming %1 of power is being used before using %50) Full Power: 100x base (2x Half Power) Golden Form: 300x Base; Full Power Golden Form: 600x Base; Fifth Form: 50x ...
Red-eyed Namekian form - Dragon Ball Wiki
Several Namekians have displayed the ability to take on an unnamed, red-eyed form that increases their power exponentially. When utilizing this form, the only change in the Namekian's physical appearance is that their eyes become red in color.
Transformations - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide - IGN
Nov 20, 2019 · To get this awoken skill, you need to complete the patrols that the Nail will give at the Guru's House in planet Namek's time rift. Turn into something like Kid Buu by getting this skill. You'll be...
Super Namekian - Dragon Ball Wiki
Lord Slug, a Super Namekian in his Great Namekian form. By the end of the original manga, Piccolo is by far the most powerful Namekian. Piccolo could hold his own, and even take the advantage at points, in battle against an opponent as powerful as …
Namekian (Race) | DragonBlockC Wiki - Fandom
God form is unlocked by reaching level 5 of "Power Boost", then obtaining the "God Form" skill from Whis or Jin. It slims the user considerably, changes eye color to red, and changes the aura to resemble orange flames.
Namekian - Dragon Ball Z: Final Stand Wiki
God Namekian; Unlocked at level 270, for 50,000 Zeni. Notes; Hold X for 0.5 seconds then press H to transform. Multiplies Ki Max by 5x; Drains 5 Ki every 2 seconds. (Moderate Ki Drain) 20% EXP and Zenni gain. Applies a large, green aura to the user. Color Scheme (aura)
Super namekian god - Ultra Dragon Ball Wiki
The Super Namekian God transformation is the god form for namekians. The users skin turns red, and there eyes turn a reddish pink color. The first user was a namekian named shamisen.
God Namekian | Dragon Ball Final Remastered Wiki | Fandom
A godly form avalible to the Namekian Race. 350 thousand strength/defence required. Used by Piccolo in an uncannon story.
Namekian | Dragon Ball Final Remastered Wiki | Fandom
Orange Namekian (90k atk&def + Orange form Shenron wish) Demon Namekian (150k atk&def) God Namekian (325k atk&def) Review [] Namekian is a solid race with the race ability that works very good in PVP and PVE with decently strong forms. Although a lot of races can out-scale in terms of form or power