Why is he so moody & mean to me? - HealthBoards Message Boards
Dec 15, 2008 · There is something wrong with my husband. I can be talking to him one minute and things are great and the next minute he is completely moody. Initially I asked him about this before we married 10 years ago because I wanted to know what I did wrong. He told me it was just him and he gets like that sometimes.
Feel uneasy and nervous around my husband most of the time
May 7, 2013 · My husband and I have been married one year, and were together for some years before that. Lately he is so moody and will just get cold with me from what feels like one moment to the next. When we walk in the street he will walk ahead of me by about three feet no matter how fast or slow I am going. He gets annoyed about what feels like small ...
Mental or Just Moody? - HealthBoards Message Boards
Sep 29, 2003 · I don't know what to do anymore. I'm ruining my relationship w/my husband because he is getting so tired of my mood swings. It seems I'm always mad at him about something. He thinks I have a split personality or something. I don't think I have that. But he says I constantly change my mind. Like I
Explosions of Anger after Heart Surgery - HealthBoards Message …
Mar 4, 2008 · hi i myself have just recovered from heart surgery if you read my contribution. iknow and understand what your father is going through ihave the same thing but to a milder degree. my wife who is around gets the brunt of it.after the last out burst she hasnt spoken to me for about a week&1/2.i also get the flip side where i am very emotional about everything .i hope it …
My husband is dying from Lung cancer - HealthBoards Message …
Jan 9, 2010 · My husband passed away Nov. 14, 1997 from lung cancer , so I guess you could say I have walked in your shoes. I wish you strength for what you are having to deal with. I hope you are not alone and have a shoulder to lean on. It is a very very difficult situation you have found yourself in. If I can help in any way please feel free to contact me.
Relationship Health: Found condoms in husbands - Healthboards
Dec 30, 2011 · You simply cannot make your husband your end all and be all of your life, so much so that if he's not exactly who and what you want him to be, then you can't get out of bed. You have your own life to live, separate and apart from your husband, that you need to get up and continue to live regardless of what he does or doesn't do.
Understand depression | What is depression? - Beyond Blue
We all feel sad, moody or low sometimes, it’s a normal part of life. If these feelings come and stay for more than 2 weeks it might be a sign that you have depression. Depression affects 1 in 7 people in Australia. It's a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health.
Metformin and MOOD SWINGS please help - HealthBoards …
Sep 9, 2005 · Hello and Blessings everyone. Can anyone offer me insight to this Metformin and mood swings. I swear since my first dose It gives me such a feeling of being on edge. I BECAME SO MOODY. I take 500mg 2x a day. Has anyone else had this happen? Please advise so I know I am not going crazy.
can you get pregnant when you have a pituitary tumor
Mar 17, 2008 · Im trying to hang in there, gets a lil hard at times. its like a no win situation because i try 2 myself when im feeling really moody but they dont understand they think im acting funny. that can be further from the truth i try to advoid the conflict. i know what you mean most of my friends now have a tumor too. its weirod cause i …
Celexa discussions (experiences, side effects, dosages, etc...)
Celexa discussions on Drug Talk on HealthBoards.com