How you can complete Gunsmith - part 1 at level 8 quite easily
May 31, 2020 · I'm level 9 and I just complete it, so here's how you can do it too : first, look for a scav with a MP133 or MP 153 with the Plastic pistol grip for MP-133/153, these are a little bit rare but not like a ledx ( I already found 3 of them ). After that, look for the pliers elite. You need 4 or them to exchange the modded MP133 from Mechanic level 1.
Gunsmith Part 1 Build : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Dec 12, 2021 · I figured I'd post a picture of a working Gunsmith Part 1 build. I swapped the GK-02 in instead of the normal Remington Muzzle break that comes with the Mechanic Elite Plier trade.
You can complete Gunsmith Pt 1 without the GK-02 muzzle brake …
Mechanic will take the gun without the muzzle brake, just the cylinder 12ga adapter on its own. Photo attached for the parts list. Note the yellow tick showing that the quest is completable. This means you can do the mission entirely from LL1 traders if you have a hard drive to barter for the foregrip. no more hunting scavs for the muzzle brake.
Mechanics quest "gunsmith part 1" : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Feb 1, 2021 · Gunsmith part 1 requires you to modify a specific shotgun to have specific elements such as ergo and size. Once it is built you turn it in to mechanic right below the accept quest button (it will shot up if your gun meets the requirements)
Gunsmith - Part 1 Mission: Impossible : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Jan 15, 2023 · With the ‘MP-133 Plastic forestock’ Mechanic barters it for a damaged hard drive disk, very easy to find through technical spawns or computers. For the GK-02 is the hardest one to find, you can get it off of scavs with the 133 shotgun, which is harder.
Signal Pt. 1 : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Jul 11, 2022 · Quick question regarding this quest, do you have to visit both satellites in one raid? I did one and once the notification popped in the lower right I looted up and left, the same thing for the other satellite. The quest is still marked entirely undone at mechanic's.
Help with Mechanic PT 2 : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Mar 12, 2024 · Help with Mechanic PT 2 Question 1 2 Share Sort by: Add a Comment HelpfulPapaya5137 OP • 7 min. ago
Is there any way to complete Gunsmith Part 1 without the GK-2?
Dec 3, 2022 · This is a fairly common spawn on scavs, I don't think I have ever been more than level 5-6 before getting the task done. I think it takes longer to find the 2 elite pliers and 1 screwdriver and the shotgun to be in stock at mechanic than it does to find a scav with with a gk-2
Network Provider Part 1 isn't showing up : r/EscapefromTarkov
You need a scav karma of 1 and all of the following questions for network provider part 1 A Fuel Matter, Broadcast - Part 2, Cargo X - Part 4, Chemical - Part 4, Courtesy Visit, Database - Part 2, Gunsmith - Part 10, House Arrest - Part 1, Lost Contact, Seaside Vacation, The Cult - Part 2, The Huntsman Path - Forest Cleaning, The Punisher - Part 4 I’m on mobile, sorry for the formatting
PT Cruiser running hot : r/MechanicAdvice - Reddit
Jul 1, 2024 · Thanks for posting on ! Please review the rules. Asking about a second opinion (ie "Is the shop trying to fleece me?"), please read through CJM8515's post on the subject. and remember to please post the year/make/model of the vehicle you are working on. Post's about bodywork, accident damage, paint, dent/ding, questions it belongs in r/Autobody r/AutoBodyRepair/ or r/Diyautobody/ Tire ...