Marlin 1894......scope mount suggestions - Marlin Firearms Forum
Sep 16, 2011 · I have 2 scopes for my Marlin 1894/44 a 2-7x33mm Leupold "Rifleman" for the 225 grain Hornady FTX ammo and a Leupold 1-4x20mm heavy post shotgun/muzzleloader brush scope for "brush bustin" with heavy hard cast lead loads.
Scope base recommendation. | Marlin Firearms Forum
Aug 29, 2023 · Picked up a new 1895 trapper. First time mounting a scope on a Marlin. I’m generally a fan of Talley mounts so started with Talley bases, some spare Low talley fixed rings, and a Leupold VX3 HD 1.5-5 x20. 2 issues… 1. the drop in the stock is telling me I need a lower setup or a check pad...
scope setup for 1894c - Marlin Firearms Forum
Jul 12, 2020 · Hi, I have an 1894 c (357), and I want to add a low power "starter" scope (like 1-4x). Currently, I just target shoot, but I would a scope that allows decently quick target acquisition at 25-75 yards (most shots around 25). The Leupold VX …
Scope, scope rings and base recommendations for 1894SS 44 Mag …
Jun 26, 2015 · Im pretty sure the bases are out of production but they are on ebay. The base is just like the leupold std base, but its for the Marlin 1894. As for a scope, I have a Nikon Monarch UCC 1.5-4.5, that I picked up from a fellow MO member. I like the low power scopes for 1894's.
Scope recommendations 1894 CSBL .357 | Marlin Firearms Forum
Apr 15, 2019 · Scope recommendations 1894 CSBL .357 Jump to Latest 10K views 11 replies 10 participants last post by Nitetrain Apr 15, 2019
best deer hunting scope for 1894? | Marlin Firearms Forum
Jul 1, 2011 · I have a Bushnell Trophy on a Remington 870 that's been very good. OR, something in a single power of 2 or 4 you have Leupold, Bushnell, Weaver, older used scopes like Weaver's "K" series, or a scope in 1-5x28, 2-7x33, 3-9x40 you have many choices in Leupold, Weaver, Bushnell, Redfield, Simmons, Mueller, Burris and most other scope makers.
1894 .44 Magnum Scope Mount? | Marlin Firearms Forum
Oct 15, 2017 · Happy to have found this forum! 37 years ago, I purchased a beautiful Marlin 336 35 Remington and have used it exclusively ever since to hunt deer in Georgia. This past week, I purchased a 1894 in 44 Magnum. I need some help regarding scope mount and rings: I have ordered the following for a scope: Leupold FX-II Ultralight 2.5x20mm Wide Duplex
1894 see-thru scope mounts - Marlin Firearms Forum
Aug 17, 2009 · Before the scope-haters and the cheek-weld-addicts attack you, just remember THIS gun killed my 13 year old kid a 10 point buck the first year he hunted, and a nice doe the next year. These are deer killed at twilight in dense cover - where the big-belled scope was vital to even seeing the critter.
1894 .44 magnum Scope mounting options | Marlin Firearms Forum
Mar 4, 2009 · Just purchased an 1894 in .44 magnum. Also just purchased Nikon 4X40 Buckmaster scope. I plan to also upgrade the iron sights, or if possible mount a ghost ring on the rear of the receiver. The end result is I would like to use the gun with scope for hunting, with the option of removing the...
Scope Mounting Options 1895 and 1894 | Marlin Firearms Forum
Sep 22, 2021 · I have Marlin ordinary open sights, Burris 1 MOA Red Dot and Meopta 1-6 x Scope (lighted dot) on my 1895. I have used EAW bases and rings on my rifles. They all worked well and I can remove/reinstal Red Dot and scope wery fast …