Liberty Dollar
6 days ago · Welcome to the Liberty Dollar: Remember when gas was only 25-cents a gallon? You could take a dollar down to the gas station and buy four gallons for a buck! At that time our dollar was backed by silver - real money.
Liberty Dollar
The Liberty Dollar was created to provide a sound monetary system and a choice to the Federal Reserve debt based money, which had enjoyed a monopoly in America since 1913. Just as FedEx competes with the Postal Service, the Liberty Dollar now offers a choice to the US dollar.
Get Started! - Liberty dollar
Now is the time to start using the Liberty Dollar for your own good and the good of the country! Becoming a Lifetime Supporter costs only $10, and you get your first Liberty Silver Certificate when you join!
Bernard von NotHaus - Liberty dollar
In 1998, with the support of other concerned Americans, he introduced the Liberty Dollar to exemplify the principles of a free market, value backed, private currency that is free from government control. In 2003, he wrote "The Liberty Dollar SOLUTION to the Federal Reserve", a 500-page treatise.
Liberty Dollar
The Liberty Dollar was introduced in 1998 and has been acknowledged as being legal by the U.S. Treasury. It is a genuine value-backed currency that can be redeemed for the fully insured gold and silver stored in an independent, audited warehouse.
Liberty Dollar
Enter the Liberty Dollar - the solution the Federal Reserve's 'money monopoly'. On October 1, 1998, the first Liberty Dollar, which is 100% backed and 100% redeemable in gold and silver, rolled off the presses. The Liberty Dollar provides a simple solution: "Start using the Liberty Dollar to grow and protect your money - one dollar at a time."
Liberty Dollar
REMEMBER: The Liberty Dollar is a PRIVATE inflation proof currency and is NOT United States government currency, 'legal tender' or a 'coin'. Using the Liberty Dollar as barter for products and services at businesses across the country is voluntary.
Liberty Dollar
His monetary ideals are shared with everyone in the Liberty Dollar community. For over thirty years Ron Paul has been a champion for the very values - both monetary and personal - that made America a great country.
Liberty Dollar
Oct 1, 1998 · The Liberty Dollar grows your money because you can get it at a discount when you are a Liberty Associate. Plus it protects your money from inflation. In fact, you profit from inflations with the Liberty Dollar.
Government Documents - Liberty dollar
Jun 3, 2009 · Liberty Dollar v Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States, Edmond C. Moy, Director, US Mint Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint Here