Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel) - Works | Archive of Our Own
After escaping the Mad Titan, Loki gets help from an unlikely source. Now Loki has to heal, physically and mentally. But it seems the world has other plans. Loki and his unlikely companion discover a deeper connection than Loki could ever have imagined.
Laufey/Farbauti - Archive of Our Own
This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. Laufey/Farbauti has been made a synonym of Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel). Works and bookmarks tagged with Laufey/Farbauti will show up in Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel)'s filter.
Farbauti's Ekkill, a thor fanfic | FanFiction
Farbauti's Ekkill. by JalendaviLady. Characters: Laufey, Loki, Odin, Farbauti (deceased), OCs. Summary: Laufey's life from a few months before Loki's birth to shortly after Thor's raid on Jotunheim.
Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel) - Works | Archive of Our Own
Before the war, Farbauti-Queen bore Laufey-King his heirs. Two children. Twin sons. But in the final battle of the war the twins were seperated for their protection: Laufey with one to the temple and Farbauti with the other to the wilds.
Loki Laufeyson, King of Jotunheim Chapter 1: The Prince, a
Farbauti went into labor on a particularly cold night. King Laufey was overjoyed, colder nights on icy Jotunheim meant good fortune. As the blizzard blew through, Laufey sat on a rigid chair, covered in white wolf fur and drank slush-like wine from his favorite crystal chalice, while he waited outside for his wife to deliver.
farbauti on Tumblr
This eventually caused Laufey to snap and separate from her husband permanently, taking their eldest with her with Farbauti taking Byleistr.
Farbauti (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Farbauti was the wife of Laufey, king of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim. She gave birth to unusually small child named Loki much to the annoyance of her husband. Ashamed of his son's small size, Laufey kept Loki hidden from his people.
Farbauti and Laufey | Loki's Parents - Norse Mythology - Nordic …
Aug 4, 2020 · Farbauti and Laufey are a mixed couple, Farbauti is a jötunn, and Layfey is from the Aesir in Norse mythology, together they had probably the most annoying son that one could imagine, the trickster Loki. Their son will do anything he can, to annoy whomever he pleases, as long as he gets a laugh out of it.
The Jotun Prince, a thor fanfic | FanFiction
When the prince of Jotunheim is born, the realm is at war. As Queen Farbauti goes into labor, King Laufey is on the battlefield. As his son enters into the world, Laufey gouges out the eye of the Aesir king, Odin.
Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel) - Works | Archive of Our Own
Thor and Loki's parents, Laufey and Fartubai have been divorced. Their parents divorce and live a happy life completely satisfied as these little brother pay the price. A life without loved ones, life without brother is not at all a life. After being together for nine while years, and sudden messege to leave the lived ones is not an easy task.