Hammerhead Flatworms and Other Land Planaria of Eastern …
May 2, 2022 · Land planaria, which are also called terrestrial flatworms (and some of which are called hammerhead worms), are flattened, small to large worm-like animals that live in moist, terrestrial environments. Species in North America are typically yellow or orange with dark stripes to dark brown or black.
Terrestrial Flatworms, Land Planarians & Hammerhead Worms
Dec 8, 2020 · These worms are often variously called land planarians, terrestrial flatworms, or hammerhead worms (specific to a particular group; see Identification section for discussion). Terrestrial flatworms are most diverse in the tropics, especially SE …
Geoplanidae - Wikipedia
Geoplanidae is a family of flatworms known commonly as land planarians or land flatworms. [2] These flatworms are mainly predators of other invertebrates, which they hunt, attack and capture using physical force and the adhesive and digestive properties of their mucus. [3]
Bipalium - Wikipedia
Bipalium is a genus of large predatory land planarians. They are often loosely called "hammerhead worms" or "broadhead planarians" because of the distinctive shape of their head region. Land planarians are unique in that they possess a "creeping sole", a highly ciliated region on the ventral epidermis that helps them to creep over the substrate ...
Planarian - Wikipedia
Planarians (triclads) are free-living flatworms of the class Turbellaria, [2] [3] order Tricladida, [4] which includes hundreds of species, found in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial habitats. [5] Planarians are characterized by a three-branched intestine, including a single anterior and two posterior branches. [5]
Weird Worms: Land Planaria - Pests in the Urban Landscape
May 22, 2023 · Land planaria are generalist predators of earthworms, slugs, and other mollusks. They capture prey by wrapping their bodies around it and engulfing the prey with mucous. Planaria mouths are not at the end of their body like most animals, but on the underside near the middle of their body.
Land Planarian ( Flatworm ) - Project Noah
Land planarians, are soft, bilaterally symmetric, cicoelomate, dorsally-ventrally flattened worms. Colors of Florida species, range from greenish-grey to brown, with dark narrow stripes on the dorsal side.
Planarian | Anatomy & Facts | Britannica
Planarian, any of a group of widely distributed, mostly free-living flatworms of the class Turbellaria (phylum Platyhelminthes). The name planarian is used to designate any member of the family Planariidae and related families.
What Do Planarians Insects And Humans Have In Common?
Feb 2, 2025 · Land planarians, also known as arrowhead flatworms, are small, soft, bilaterally symmetric, acoelomate, dorsally-ventrally flattened worms found in freshwater environments.
Land Planarian - Galveston County Master Gardeners
The Land Planarian (Bipalium kewense) a most unusual and most intriguing creature. It is also known as the Arrowhead Flatworm. Originally thought to be from Indo-China, the Land Panarian was discovered living in the United States over 100 years ago.