Sophie and Fitz | Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki | Fandom
Sophie and Fitz, commonly known as Sophitz or Fitzphie is the romantic/platonic pairing between Sophie Foster and Fitz Vacker. They regularly hold hands and cry on each other's shoulders, supporting each other suggests that the two are very close.
Sophitz Stories - Wattpad
Read the most popular sophitz stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.
Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz - Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
Sokeefitz is the romantic polyamory/platonic pairing of Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, and Fitz Vacker. Fitz and Keefe are both crushing on Sophie although she is unaware, putting the three of them in a love triangle that is a main part of the series. Sophie has a strong relationship with both Keefe and Fitz, and Keefe and Fitz are best friends.
A Sophitz Fanfiction Chapter 1: No Longer Unmatchable, a keeper …
Mar 25, 2019 · Mainly focuses on Sophitz; sorry Sokeefe shippers! Kotlc fanfiction one-shot. My idea of what will happen after book 7 ends… so basically what will happen at the beginning of Legacy. NOTE: This is a Sophitz/Fitzphie fanfiction. Don't get me wrong – I love Keefe. Let me explain why I ship Fitz and Sophie.
Sophitz Fanfiction Stories - Quotev
KOTLC | Romance Short Stories Everglen Fitzphie Sophitz The kotlc group (Sophie, Biana, Linh, Tam, Keefe, Fitz, Dex) have a sleepover at Everglen! It's all in the name!
Finding the Cutest SOPHITZ Moments in KotLC! - YouTube
In this kotlc video, we go over the ship sophitz/fitzphie ship in keeper of the lost cities! This ship has the 2 characters sophie foster and fitz vacker, an...
A Sophitz Sleepover Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic ...
When Sophie is invited to a sleepover at the Vackers, many hilarious and entertaining events take place. There will also be some new, unexpected ships... Also, this is my first fanfiction, so take it easy on the criticism. 7 minutes in a Closet, Truth or Dare, and Spin the Bottle... They will all be included in this fun fanfic! Please review!
I Finally Understand… : r/KeeperoftheLostCities - Reddit
Mar 5, 2022 · I finally understand why I prefer the sokeefe ship to the sophitz one. Back when I first read the series, I was adamant about Sophie and Keefe ending up together. But after reading it again, I started sympathizing more with why Sophie liked Fitz.
Sofitz Stories - Wattpad
A KotLC story: Sophie Foster is heartbroken. Fitz has broken her heart, and she's waited too long for Keefe. Now they have Biana and Linh. Dex is happy with Marella. But...
Into the Flame - KOTLC Sophitz, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic ...
Deep down she knew something was going to go wrong before she had even walked into the matchmaking building. Sophie ran out of the door of the matchmaking office. The matchmakers and Sophie's bodyguards shouted for her to come back but Sophie was already halfway down the busy street. Sophie took a sharp turn.