Known unto God - Wikipedia
Known unto God is a phrase used on the gravestones of unknown soldiers in Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) cemeteries. The phrase was selected by British poet Rudyard Kipling who worked for what was then the Imperial War …
CWGC's Ongoing Work to Identify the Unidentified - CWGC
Mar 12, 2025 · These nameless headstones are engraved with Rudyard Kipling’s timeless phrase “Known unto God”, though some may be ‘part-identified’ by way of the casualty’s regiment, date of death or rank.
meaning - The construction of "Known but to God" - English …
Jan 19, 2011 · The Tomb of the Unknown Solider has the engraving "KNOWN BUT TO GOD", as presumably no man knows his name, but shouldn't it read "unknown, but to God", as the default for everyone is "unknown", with the exception "but to God"? Is the construction older? How should it …
Acts 15:18 that have been known for ages.' - Bible Hub
Known unto God from the beginning are all his works. he that does all these things, is the Lord himself that has said it." for the works of God are all known to him from the beginning of the world. Says the Lord, who has been making these things known from ages long past.'
Known unto God is a phrase used on the gravestones of …
Known unto God is a phrase used on the gravestones of unknown soldiers in Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) cemeteries. The phrase was selected by British poet Rudyard Kipling who worked for what was then the Imperial War …
‘Known unto God’ – The Headstone of the Unknown Soldier Part …
Oct 19, 2020 · And so, in this post, we shall take a look at some of the different headstones, all marking the graves of unidentified men, that you might come across in the military cemeteries of Flanders & the Somme.
Known unto God - New Zealand History
His simple white headstone carried the words A New Zealand soldier of the Great War known unto God. It was one of many such unidentified graves on the Western Front, for the unknown soldier was one of the sad features of the Great War.
Memories of the Great War: "Known unto God"
Oct 29, 2008 · On November 7th, 1920, a body was chosen from four flag draped coffins at a chapel near Arras. The next day, the coffin was loaded onto a French military wagon, pulled by six black horses.
Known Unto God - Cemeteries and memorials - Great War Forum
Mar 14, 2009 · Hi I suspect that I have seen more Headstones of unidentified soldiers in cemeteries of WW1in France and Belgium than the majority of journalists. Why do I make this outrageous claim? Well, I have seen many times the words, chosen by Kipling, “Known Unto God” but have yet to see the words “Known ...
Known only to God — Fromelles
Apr 25, 2022 · “Known Only to God” is written from the point of view of a mother who has lost her son to war and knows not where he lies. The poignant lines include: `“How could you not be somewhere in these rows and rows of white stones? How could you not be found, how could you still not be known?”