Weaning – How To Get Your Kittens To Eat On Their Own
May 20, 2016 · Choosing the Right Food. Use quality canned kitten food and not regular cat food. Food that is formulated for kittens contains more protein than regular adult formulas. Don't leave any wet food out for more than 20 minutes (even less on hot days). Throw away any leftovers and run the dishes in the dishwasher between feedings.
Is Kitten Food Necessary? | TheCatSite
Jan 14, 2018 · I do feed kitten food to young kittens and kittens that are underweight, but I have done fine in the past feeding adult food to 3 and 4 month old kittens who are of a good weight. Under 3 months, yes, I would probably select a kitten formula if not using an ALS food, but past that--kittens reach maturity more quickly than I think these pet food ...
can old cat eat kitten food? - TheCatSite
Feb 18, 2011 · The calorie of Innova kitten food is 201 kcal/can. Innova senior can is about 191kcal/can. All Evo adult cans are 200+kcal/can.
Adult Cat Eating Kitten Food | TheCatSite
Jun 17, 2005 · When I had gotten a kitten my adult cat gained almost 4lbs in 2 months. The vet and I declared war on her weight gain. So I bought a large plastic tote and drilled a small hole in one side - just big enough for a kitten to climb through. I kept the kitten food in there and the cat food up on my computer desk where the kitten couldn't jump.
Do kittens need kitten food | TheCatSite
May 4, 2010 · On the kitten food question, the existence of kitten food is quite recent in the scheme of things - in the old days kittens were put onto adult food as soon as they were weaned. But kitten food does give them a better start in life - it is balanced for growing bodies and sensitive stomachs. It is also made in smaller pieces, easier for them to eat.
When to start feeding a kitten adult food? | TheCatSite
Nov 14, 2009 · My kitten, Finnegan, is presently just under 5 months. He was neutered about 2 weeks ago. I kept him on his kitten food for about 3 days after his neuter and then started switching him over to adult food. As of today, he's eating about 50% kitten food and 50% adult food. And, by the time next weekend rolls around, my goal is to have him on a 75 ...
kitten food ok for adult cats? | TheCatSite
Jun 12, 2013 · Hello, My 11 year old female cat, Missy ,is eating the Iams kitten dry food that I feed my 5 month old male kitten, Solo. Since Missy discovered the Iams dry kitty food she rarely eats her own dry food. Will it do Missy any harm to eat the kitten food? They both are fed a half can of wet food...
Open Farm Kitten Food | TheCatSite
Oct 11, 2021 · Hello again. We recently adopted 2 ten week old kittens. We feed them 4 meals a day of wet food, alternating between Fancy Feast and Purina One. Because we are gone about 7 hours a day, we also leave them out dry food to graze during the day. We have been feeding them Open Farm Dry Kitten...
Mother Cat Eating All Kittens' Food (and leaving her own till last)
Feb 12, 2013 · The reason I had been told not to feed kitten food was because there had been quite a few cases where stray mother cats had reacted similarly when given high protein food (perhaps for the first time in their lives). I bought some kitten food from another company, cooked a chicken breast and now, with the antibiotics, I'm hoping for the best.
Kitten-specific wet food that is not pate?? - TheCatSite.com
Feb 7, 2017 · Non-kitten food is fine for kittens. The kitten foods are just higher calorie. Feed her what she likes and just feed more of it. It all evens out in the end. My cats ONLY ate pate texture foods, so I always had the opposite problem. I think it's easier to find non-pate than pate anymore.