Brace options for CP33 - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Feb 17, 2020 · I have been giving the brace idea and waiting on kel tec to bring out the cmr version. If I wanted a really short but highly effective 22lr then ideally I would wait for the cmr version.
3D printed brace adapter. - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
May 22, 2020 · Somebody on the web with a 3D printer designed and made this brace and adapter. Very clever and looks easy.
New to Kel Tec - P50. - brace recommendations solicited
Nov 5, 2023 · Hello! just purchased a used P50, and I’m very excited to give it a run through. I know I need a tax stamp, not my first (sbr) rodeo. l am looking for a knowledge dump on whatever you care to tell me, but right now, I (believe, but am open to …
PLR16 & Braces - Current info request - Community for Kel-Tec …
Nov 20, 2019 · The 9" barrel and the folding brace is close enough to my idea of perfection that I should probably jump right on that. If I wasn't so serious about avoiding "imperial entanglements" (to quote Obi Wan), I'd get a quick disconnect suppressor for it. Kel-Tec should offer the PLR-16 with a folding brace as a factory configuration.
Picatinny Braces - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Apr 24, 2022 · Greetings, has anyone experienced, or had success with the CSM P50 Rear Pic Rail Adapter with any of the available picatinny braces? Examples: 1. A3 Tactical Modular Folding Arm Brace system for Picatinny rear mount 2. SB Tactical FS1913A Folding Pistol Stabilizing Brace 3. GEARHEAD WORKS...
Farrow Tech vs Keltec Brace for P-50 - Community for Kel-Tec …
Mar 24, 2022 · I noticed that the new Keltec brace folds way forward of the Farrow tech brace. Could you use the Keltec brace as a front hand position like the WWII german grease guns? It would seem to be much more stable, but would the brace just move around when firing? Of course the shoulder position would be best. Thoughts?
Pistol brace(stock like ) for PMR30 - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Mar 31, 2020 · When they introduced the PMR30 Kel-Tec put out a full auto video with a trigger gaurd forward upturned finger brace to demonstrate magazine reliability. That forward brace may have helped with accuracy but was needed for muzzle rise, I gathered.
CP33 and arm braces - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jan 13, 2023 · For all of you that have braces on your CP33, be aware the the ATF Brace rule was signed today. You will have 120 days from the date it is published to comply with the new rules. Here is the official release...
CMR 30 pistol arm brace? - Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jul 15, 2020 · Does anybody make a pistol arm brace or has anybody custom made one? I want the option to be able to ccw it if I shorten the barrel. Thanks
3D Printed Side Folding Brace | Community for Kel-Tec Shooters
Jun 19, 2022 · So it's a great candidate for a brace IMO, at least until the ATF decides otherwise. With that said, I'm working on a side folder that can be mostly 3D printed (affordable) and figured I would post the progress here in case anyone is interested.