Ilford Delta 400 Pro VS HP5 VS XP2 Super - Photo.net
Apr 1, 2007 · Delta 400 has finer grain than HP5 Plus, but HP5 Plus may give higher apparent sharpness. It depends somewhat on the developer used. XP2 Super has no grain per se, because there is no actual silver in the final negative. The dye clouds that make up the image in XP2 Super give the appearance of fine grain.
I can't afford Ilford HP5 Plus any more. What is the best alternative ...
Apr 5, 2023 · I've got a bulk roll (30m) of Kentmere 400 on order. Cost me £75. I'm also now using Kentmere paper instead of Ilford MGRC. As I understand it, Kentmere is now owned by Harman Technology, who also own Ilford. The Ilford Photo website says Kentmere 'follows the same high quality processes that are used to make all Ilford Photo films and papers.'
Delta 400 vs HP5 vs HP4 - Black & White Practice - Photo.net
Nov 1, 2004 · Ilford HP5 and Delta 400 have a nominal ASA of 400, FP4 has a nominal ASA of 125. Delta 400 is finer grained than HP5 and its tonality is different, Delta 400 being a 'new technology' film (i.e. delta-grain).
Ilford Developers - DD-X vs ID-11 vs Microphen - Photo.net
Aug 1, 2005 · I use Ilford Delta films for almost everything I shoot, and usually develop in DD-X, which I consider the best developer for Delta, with least grain, nice speed boost and great sharpness. ID-11 diluted at 1:3 is a great compensation developer for very contrasty negatives, but the results are less smooth and sharp and the development takes much ...
Pushing HP5+ - Black & White Practice - Photo.net
Dec 13, 2004 · film I will use will for the most part be Ilford Delta 3200 (rated at . 1000) and HP5+ pushed a stop or two, and maybe a tiny bit of Ilford . XP2 with judiciously bounced flash. My question is this -- in order . to get by with available light, I think the HP5 will need to be rated . at 800. That being the case, do you think I should push one or ...
XP1 vs XP2 Development - Black & White Practice - Photo.net
Jun 4, 2003 · contrast and density, but that Ilford found most users sent XP1 to the. local C41 lab, which resulted in lower contrast & density. So, he says, Ilford changed the film to be more compatible with. standard C41, this result being XP2. So, my results with XP2 should be. better, given lab processing.
Ilford b&w films - Black & White Practice - Photo.net
May 8, 2004 · As a newcomer to the world of black and white, I wonder if someone could explain to me what the differences are (apart from speed) between all the different types of Ilford b&w films - Delta, FP4, HP5, XP2, and any others I may have forgotten about. Thanks John
Compare Ilford XP2 with Kodak 400CN - Photo.net
Jun 2, 2015 · To me, the Ilford XP2 quickly blocks up the blacks and the whites, and mid tones don't have a lot of separation. I find it un-flattering for portraits.<br> The BW400CN was smooth, grain free, excellent separation in mid tones, and lots of detail in the highlights.
Ilford XP2 @ EI3200 pushed 2 stops VS Delta 3200? - Photo.net
Dec 18, 2004 · Ilford XP2 @ EI3200 pushed 2 stops VS Delta 3200? By alvinyap December 18, 2004 ...
ILFORD DELTA 100 vs ILFORD HP5 400 PLUS - Photo.net
Nov 18, 2007 · Ilford HP5+ is a lot like Tri-X, in that it will give you that classic look and Delta 100 is like T-Max 100, in that it's emulsion and look is that of a T-Grain film. It's grain is rather fine but some people don't like the look of a T-Grain film for portraits since it tends to be a bit sharper of a film and reveals more.