Ilford Pan F Review (Why I love Ilford Pan F 50!) - MrLeica.com …
Ilford Pan F 50 film is super fine grain, slow speed, black and white film produced by Ilford. I bought a roll of 35mm Pan F 50 to take on my trip to Zurich for a model photography workshop. It was my first time using this film and I was interested to see the results.
Ilford PanF 50. HC-110, Xtol, D-76, Ilfosol S, Ilfosol 3... WHICH …
Oct 14, 2009 · My favourite dev with PanF+ is a home brew, Stoeckler's 2-bath - you'll find plenty on it on APUG! I've never tried HC110 or X-tol. I've been using D-76 1+1 with 120 pan F+ (same as my 35mm) incredible results. Next roll I'll be trying 1+3 just to compare graininess.
ILFORD PAN F Plus is an extremely fine grain black and white film. It has outstanding resolution, sharpness and edge contrast. These characteristics make it the natural choice where fine detail and lack of grain are more important than film speed.
Ilford Pan F+ in Kodak Xtol 1+1 - Black & White Practice
Apr 30, 2005 · Look at the edge markings on your PanF compared with the edge markings on the Tri-X. If Pan F edge markings look normal, means you set wrong ISO setting by accident with PanF in camera and consitently under exposed your PanF. If PanF edge markings are way thin, somehow you under developed the PanF (either by time wise, or by developer capacity.
Pan F+ and Xtol - Photrio.com Photography Forums
Feb 13, 2022 · Ilford Pan F+ has a lot of contrast, so Im looking to tame that a little in developing. I want to still shoot it at 50 ISO, so for developing in Xtol, what do you recommend? I was thinking 1:1, but not sure if that would have much of an effect. What do others do?
XTOL - The ultimate guide to the black and white developer
When diluted, XTOL provides greater film speed, potentially useful for shooting in low light conditions. Common dilutions include 1:1 and 1:3, with the former offering a good balance of film speed and image quality, and the latter providing maximum film …
Ilford PanF+ 50 - Which developer? - Photrio.com Photography …
Nov 25, 2015 · Adding 5mg of potassium iodide per litre of working developer increases the resolution developed on the film with all these films, I'd use straight D76 with that combination, better yet would be Xtol.
Developing Times for Ilford Pan-F+ - Unblinking Eye
[Following recommendations in Ilford’s data sheet for Pan F+.] The only downside I've found is that Ilfosol-S (which comes as a prepackaged liquid) goes bad about a week from Tuesday after it's opened.
Ilford pan f 50 200 iso - Forum photo argentique
Nov 1, 2016 · Ilford pan f 50 200 iso Echanges sur tous les aspects du labo photo argentique noir et blanc : matériels, développement des films, tirage, etc. Présentations des labos photo argentique noir et blanc.
Film Development Time Charts
Ilford Pan-F + XTol 1:1. Q: Which film/developer combination gives the finest grain, the fastest film speed, and the best contrast when a very high-speed film is called for? A: Kodak Tmax P3200 in Ilfotech HC dilution 1:31.