Hypodorian mode - Wikipedia
The Hypodorian mode, a musical term literally meaning 'below Dorian ', derives its name from a tonos or octave species of ancient Greece which, in its diatonic genus, is built from a …
theory - How did the plagal modes differ from their authentic ...
Aug 9, 2015 · Angelopoulos starts this Mode 2 gradual on the D Dorian, then shifts into A Hypodorian. This shifting happens occasionally in the middle of chants, Plagal becoming …
Modes - Music Theory Academy - Music Modes Explained
Plagal modes derive their individual names from the authentic mode to which they are related – just add the word “hypo” (meaning “under”) to the start of the authentic mode and you get the …
Hypodorian mode | music | Britannica
Hypodorian mode, in music, second of the eight medieval church modes. See church mode.
HYPODORIAN MODE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of HYPODORIAN MODE is an ancient Greek mode represented on the white keys of the piano by a descending diatonic scale from A to A —called also Locrian mode.
Reference : gregorian modes
Some theorists use Greek names such as Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, and Mixolydian to refer to the authentic modes I, III, V, and VII, respectively. As for the plagal modes, the prefix hypo is …
Of Scales and Modes - Stewart Hendrickson
Dorian and Hypodorian modes correspond to the element water (cool and moist) and govern the Phlegmatic humor. These modes lead to sleepiness, lethargy, laziness, slowness, mental …
The Classical Hypodorian mode Dictonary Page on Classic Cat
The term Hypodorian came to be used to describe the second mode of Western church music. This mode is the plagal counterpart of the authentic first mode, which was also called Dorian.
Hypo-Modes for 7-note scales : r/musictheory - Reddit
Aug 25, 2023 · As an example applied to modern melodies, we could say that Happy Birthday and Amazing Grace employ the "Hypoionian mode" - the plagal range of the major scale: an …
Hypodorian Mode - Definition, Usage & Quiz | H | Dictionary
Explore the Hypodorian mode, its historical origins in Ancient Greece, its role in medieval music theory, and its unique sound characteristics. Understand how the Hypodorian mode is …