HGT® Kentucky Bluegrass Blend > Barenbrug USA
Ideal for all areas of Kentucky bluegrass adaptation providing exceptional turf quality and performance in all northern and transition zone climates. Ideal for turfgrass renovation, new …
What is HGT? - Barenbrug
Owing to its swift establishment, durability, and recovery capabilities, our HGT bluegrass mixture has set a new standard for Kentucky bluegrass sports turf, bluegrass sod production, and golf …
HGT Bluegrass | Todd Valley Farms
What is HGT™ Bluegrass? HGT stands for Healthy Grass Technology, a tough and disease resistant Kentucky bluegrass. Barenbrug developed HGT in harsh climatic conditions, …
Healthy Grass Technology (HGT)
HGT Sod is an improved bluegrass sod. HGT stands for Healthy Grass Technology, and lives up to that name by demonstrating unmatched toughness and disease resistance… Read More
TURF BLUE HGT BLUEGRASS - Johnston Seed Company
Turf Blue HGT® features the very best of Barenbrug’s Kentucky bluegrass varieties. Starring 35% Barvette HGT, Turf Blue HGT has outstanding bluegrass performance in the most difficult of …
HGT Kentucky Bluegrass Blend Sod® | Barenbrug
HGT Kentucky Bluegrass sod is specifically engineered to thrive under heavy foot traffic and intense sports activities. Its unparalleled durability ensures that your field remains lush and …
Barenbrug Turf Blue Healthy Grass Technology Grass Seed with …
HGT stands for Healthy Grass Technology and features proven durable, disease resistant Kentucky bluegrasses, including Barvette HGT. Developed in harsh climatic conditions, …
HGT® Kentucky Bluegrass Sod - Central Sod Farms of Maryland, …
HGT bluegrass is a premium blend of kentucky bluegrasses touting superior performance against harsh climatic conditions, specifically with the ability to withstand turfgrass diseases, pests, …
HGT Turf Blue Bluegrass Seed | Sod Solutions
Barenbrug’s Turf Blue HGT ® is a Kentucky Bluegrass with outstanding performance in various climates, including the transition zone. HGT stands for Healthy Grass Technology and this …
HGT Bluegrass | Grassmasters Sod Farms
HGT consistently out-performs all other bluegrasses in wear tolerance, disease resistance, and superior turf recovery.
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