Henry David Thoreau - Wikipedia
Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. [2] A leading transcendentalist , [ 3 ] he is best known for his book Walden , a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay " Civil Disobedience " (originally published as "Resistance to Civil Government ...
Henry David Thoreau | Books, Quotes, Beliefs, Cause of Death,
Jan 31, 2025 · Henry David Thoreau was an American essayist, poet, and practical philosopher renowned for having lived the doctrines of Transcendentalism as recorded in his masterwork, Walden (1854), and for having been a vigorous advocate of civil liberties, as evidenced in the essay ‘Civil Disobedience’ (1849).
Henry David Thoreau - Walden, Books & Life - Biography
Apr 2, 2014 · American essayist, poet and practical philosopher, Henry David Thoreau was a New England Transcendentalist and author of the book 'Walden.' (1817-1862) Who Was Henry David Thoreau? Henry...
Henry David Thoreau - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Jun 30, 2005 · Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an American philosopher, poet, environmental scientist, and political activist whose major work, Walden, draws upon each of these various identities in meditating upon the concrete problems of living in the world as a …
The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau - Wikipedia
The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau is a project that aims to provide, for the first time, accurate texts of the complete works of American author Henry David Thoreau, including his journal, personal letters, and writings for publication.
A Short Biography of Henry D. Thoreau - Thoreau online
A biography of Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), American writer, essayist, philosopher, poet, and pacifist. Henry was born on July 12, 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts.
Major essays by Henry David Thoreau - Thoreau online
Read Thoreau's major essays online - reform essays (Civil Disobedience), walking essays (A Winter Walk) and natural history essays (Wild Apples).
Henry David Thoreau online
Henry D. Thoreau is one of America's most important 19th century literary figures. He is famous for the literary excellence of his nature and political writings and best known for his time spent at Walden Pond and the work that came out of that experience - Walden, or, Life in the Woods.
Thoreau’s Writings - The Walden Woods Project
Words for Nature: Spirit, Wildness, and the Sublime in the Writings of Henry D. Thoreau compiled, edited and with a foreword by Edmund A. Schofield
The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
Extensive site devoted to the writings, philosophy, life of Henry David Thoreau; created by The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau, definitive edition of Thoreau's works, directed by Elizabeth Hall Witherell.