8 Types of Herons Found in British Columbia (2025)
Adults: Have a slate-gray body and a purple-maroon head and neck. Juveniles: During their first year, these herons are completely white! Look for a two-toned bill, regardless of the bird’s age, which is gray with a black tip. Little Blue Herons are found in shallow wetlands in British Columbia.
Gray Heron / Ardea cinerea | BC Rare Bird Records
The Gray Heron is an accidental vagrant to North America with a record from October 1999 in Newfoundland and Labrador, a good sight record from August 1, 1999, at St. Paul Island, a photographed record from October 1-2, 2007 also at St. Paul Island, and another photographed from April 29 – May 2, 2010 on Shemya Island, in the Outer Aleutian ...
All Herons In British Columbia (ID, Photos, Calls) - Bird Advisors
5 of the 17 Species of Herons that are regularly occurring in North America have been spotted in British Columbia. There are an additional 3 that are rare or accidental. This guide will help you identify and learn more about these long-legged birds.
Gray Heron Identification - All About Birds
Gray Heron, found in Europe, Asia, and Africa, is one of three very similar herons worldwide, together with Great Blue Heron of North America and Cocoi Heron of South America.
The Gray Heron is an accidental species that was recently added to the avifauna of British Columbia when Peter Hamel and Margo Hearne found and photographed an adult bird at Kilkun Bay, Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands on May 5, 2015 (P. Hamel Pers. Comm.).
Grey heron - Wikipedia
The grey heron (Ardea cinerea) is a long-legged wading bird of the heron family, Ardeidae, native throughout temperate Europe and Asia, and also parts of Africa. It is resident in much of its range, but some populations from the more northern parts migrate southwards in autumn.
12 Types of Herons Found in Canada (2025) - Bird Watching HQ
Adults: Have a slate-gray body and a purple-maroon head and neck. Juveniles: During their first year, these herons are completely white! Look for a two-toned bill, regardless of the bird’s age, which is gray with a black tip. Little Blue Herons are found in shallow wetlands in Canada.
Grey Heron vs Blue Heron: What Are The Differences? - Birdfact
Feb 20, 2023 · Grey herons (Ardea cinerea) and great blue herons (Ardea herodias) are two of the most well-known birds in the Ardeidae family, a group containing over 60 species worldwide. Unless you know what to look for, these birds look remarkably similar, so …
Grey Heron - eBird
Generally quite common and conspicuous in wetland habitats from marshes and tidal flats to small ponds, ditches, and wet fields; nests colonially in tall trees. Mainly seen as singles or in small groups, standing quietly in or at the edge of water, less often hunting in fields.
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) · iNaturalist Canada
The grey heron (Ardea cinerea) is a long-legged predatory wading bird of the heron family, Ardeidae, native throughout temperate Europe and Asia and also parts of Africa. It is resident in much of its range, but some populations from the more northern parts migrate southwards in …