Gosetsu Daito - Final Fantasy Wiki
Gosetsu Daito, also known as Gosetsu Everfall, is a non-player character from Final Fantasy XIV. He is a samurai from Doma. Renowned as a peerless warrior, this loyal retainer dreams of a day when the shadow of the Garlean Empire no longer darkens his homeland.
Gosetsu - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 Online …
Jan 25, 2024 · Gosetsu "Everfall" Daito is a Roegadyn in Kugane. “The kami are not finished with you yet.” This grizzled warrior who entered into Kaien’s service in his youth was not only his right hand in public, but a dear friend and confidante to the king in private.
Gosetsu Daito | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Character profile for Gosetsu Daito.
Final Fantasy XIV - Othard and Hingashi - TV Tropes
Samurai: Gosetsu is a high-ranking samurai of Doma loyal to Hien. Secretly Dying : Hien theorizes that due to all the battles he's been through, as well as his age, his health is quickly getting worse, and wants him to spend his last days along Yotsuyu.
Gosetsu Daito Voices (Final Fantasy) - Behind The Voice Actors
Voiced most times by Nigel Betts, Yosuke Akimoto. Images of the Gosetsu Daito voice actors from the Final Fantasy franchise.
Gosetsu Daito VOICE - Behind The Voice Actors
Nigel Betts is the English dub voice of Gosetsu Daito in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, and Yosuke Akimoto is the Japanese voice. Video Game: Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Franchise: Final Fantasy
Gosetsu - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki
Hailing from the Far Eastern land of Doma, Gosetsu has long served Doma and her sovereign, and fought valiantly to defend them from the Garlean Empire twenty-five years ago. Though Doma fell in the end, the samurai has since labored tirelessly to see her rebuilt.
Meanings of Far Eastern NPC Names : r/ffxiv - Reddit
Feb 12, 2023 · Gosetsu. Official English name: Gosetsu Daito. Official Japanese name: ゴウセツ・ダイトウ. Kanji name: 大刀豪雪. Meanings: Surname: 大刀(だい とう) dai tō - large sword Forename: 豪雪(ごう せつ) gō setsu - tremendous snow Gosetsu’s last name 大刀 is made up of 大 “big, large” and 刀 “knife, sword”.
NPC・組織/ゴウセツ - FF14 Online Wiki
オサード小大陸 "ドマ"出身の侍。 長年、ドマ君主に仕えてきた重鎮だが、25年前の帝国による侵略に際しては、奮戦も実らず敗北。 その後も祖国再興のため戦い続けてきた。 豪胆で情に厚く、剣豪として名を轟かせている。 若い頃にはカイエンに仕えており、公的には右腕として、私的にも気の置けない友として常に傍にあった。 25年前の ガレマール帝国軍 の他戦いで妻と娘を亡くしており、自らも捕虜となってしまう。 失意の中で死を望んでいたが、カイエンより「 …
Doma - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 Online …
Aug 4, 2023 · Gosetsu Daito “The kami are not finished with you yet.” This grizzled warrior who entered into Kaien’s service in his youth was not only his right hand in public, but a dear friend and confidante to the king in private.