Regional geologic map of Eastern Mindanao with the southern …
Geologically, Davao Oriental is mainly composed of Late Jurassic to Cretaceous basement rocks consisting of metagreenstones, greenschists and ophiolitic sequences, and Early Miocene clastic...
Regional Geology of Davao Oriental - foi.gov.ph
May 13, 2023 · Good day, I would like to have an information about the following: 1. Regional Geology of Davao Oriental 2. Maps about Davao Oriental especially about the geohazard in the area.
Geological Map of the Philippines, Davao City, NB-51.
Geological Map of the Philippines, Davao City, NB-51. Scale approximately 1:1,000,000 ; Lambert conformal conic projection. and modified polyconic projection, standard parallels 1640'N and 1920'N (E 116--E 128/N 20--N 4) . 8 maps : color ; 45 x 71 cm or smaller, on sheet 58 x 77 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights.
(A) Inset map of the Philippine regional tectonic setting. The ...
The Sindangan-Cotabato-Daguma Lineament (SCDL) is the suture zone between the western continental and eastern arc terrane of Mindanao. The Agusan Davao Basin (ADB) is also marked in the map.
Geologic map of Davao Region, - foi.gov.ph
Mar 30, 2022 · Please be informed that provision of 1:50,000 scale geologic map is subject to fees and charges based on DAO 2005-08. Please coordinate with our Geosciences Division at 224-1536 for more details. Thank you.
Old maps of Davao City
Geologic reconnaissance map of Mindanoa / Bureau of Science, Division of Mines ; P. Moskaira, engraved ; geology by Warren D. Smith. 1915. Bureau of Science . Division of Mines [Islas filipinas - Mindanao oriental] 1900. Algué, P. José. Kaart van een deel van Celebes en Ternate en Tidore. 1800. Platte paskaart van de zuÿdkant van het eÿland ...
Reconnaissance Geology and Oil Possibilities of Mindanao
The geologic structure of the Island is reflected by the physiography. The structural features in eastern Mindanao are northerly aligned and are strongly influenced by the active Philippine rift; those of western and central Mindanao reflect a merging of diverse tectonic and volcanic trends.
(PDF) Shallow Landslide Hazard Mapping for Davao Oriental, Philippines ...
Jan 1, 2015 · map done by MGB for a part of Davao Oriental. In recent years, physically based landslide models have been developed to assess landslide hazard using a range of topographic, geologic, and ...
Old maps of Laak, Davao de Oro
Geologic reconnaissance map of Mindanoa / Bureau of Science, Division of Mines ; P. Moskaira, engraved ; geology by Warren D. Smith. 1915. Bureau of Science . Division of Mines [Islas filipinas - Mindanao oriental] 1900. Algué, P. José. Kaart van een deel van Celebes en Ternate en Tidore. 1800. Platte paskaart van de zuÿdkant van het eÿland ...
Old maps of Davao Oriental
Discover the past of Davao Oriental on historical maps.