GPS Spectrum and Interference Issues - GPS: The Global …
Jul 23, 2020 · The Global Positioning System uses radio signals in frequencies (spectrum) reserved for radio navigation services. Ensuring the continuity of the GPS service requires protection of this spectrum from interference.
• Adoption of a common baseline signal structure for their respective open services (the future GPS intends to use a BOC 1,1 signal whereas the Galileo open service intends to use a fully compatible
GPS.gov: GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment - GPS: The …
Dec 9, 2020 · The plan identified the processes to (a) derive power limit criteria to ensure new adjacent-band applications do not disrupt current GPS services and (b) determine similar levels needed for future GPS equipment using modernized and interoperable GNSS signals.
GPS.gov: New Civil Signals
Jul 3, 2023 · A major focus of the GPS modernization program is the addition of new navigation signals to the satellite constellation. The government is in the process of fielding three new signals designed for civilian use: L2C, L5, and L1C.
GPS users rely on L-band spectrum to receive the signals transmitted from the GPS constellation, so the preservation of the spectral environment is fundamentally critical to GPS operations.
• Protection of GNSS spectrum by just one country is inadequate if commercial devices that cause harmful emissions proliferate – Pressure for L-band spectrum to support mobile broadband and other innovations, e.g., unlicensed devices, cloud computing, software radios, etc.
GPS.gov: Performance Standards & Specifications
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive compilation of requirements for monitoring the GPS civil service and signals based on top level requirements to monitor all signals all the time.
GPS.gov: Ligado Networks and GPS - GPS: The Global Positioning …
Sep 9, 2022 · This page provides information about potential interference to GPS users from Ligado Networks. On April 20, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that, "it has approved with conditions Ligado's application to deploy "a low-power terrestrial nationwide network in the L-Band that will primarily support 5G and Internet of ...
Information About GPS Jamming - GPS: The Global Positioning …
Dec 13, 2021 · Signal jamming devices can prevent you and others from making 9-1-1 and other emergency calls and pose serious risks to public safety communications, as well as interfere with other forms of day-to-day communications.
GPS signals • “USRSR” is the latest GPS “Satellite Network” filing; filed in Jun 2009 and coordination is ongoing – USRSR filing must be brought into use (BIU) by Summer 2016 to maintain coordination agreements on interference and compatibility